Saturday, April 20, 2013

Vampire Guardian Angels: Dominion, Comic Book Issue 3: Full Story

Lia Scott Price's
Vampire Guardian Angels™ 
Dominion, Comic Book Issue 3

Copyright Lia Scott Price

About The Comic Book Series:

Lia Scott Price’s Vampire Guardian Angels is a creator-owned comic book series written and created by Horror Author Lia Scott Price. In the series, Guardian Angels from Heaven have become Vampires who kill people who pray for help to them, and both humans and “good” angels have to work to stop them.

What are Vampire Guardian Angels?

When you pray to guardian angels, do you know what they are? What if they were a vicious new breed and hybrid of serial killer, angel and vampire who target those who pray for help to them? Because they are tired of protecting us and want to put us out of our misery, by eating, and enslaving us. Don’t pray to them.

The Story: 

Back in the 14th Century there were originally four Guardian Angels who were bitten by Earth Vampires, the predecessors to Gabriel. Unable to get back to Heaven, they roamed the Earth until the Church sheltered them, secretly hiding their existence through vague references of blood drinking in the Bible. Fearing them and thinking they were gods, the Church called these Vampires "Angels". One, Gregory, (who would be Janosʼs father), fled to Transylvania and was sheltered by the Vampire Countess Elizabeth Bathory. The remaining three Angels were hidden by the Church in Italy. They were used by the Inquisition, who fed “sinners” to them. However, the Vampire Guardian Angels, Zeke, Anthony, and Jude, grew tired of their captivity, and escaped, with weapons. 

Meanwhile, centuries later, in the present day in Los Angeles CA, an author, Ms. Price, dreams the three Vampire Guardian Angels try to kidnap her in a Church. It is revealed that she has actually done research focusing on the existence of Vampire Guardian Angels in the Bible, and is convinced that because of her dream, they are real. 

The Vampire Guardian Angels, who are looking for the author who they consider their “creator”, kill their first victim in the city. The murder is investigated by Detective Costa, who finds black feathers at the murder scene. 

The Vampire Guardian Angels target patients in hospitals, feeding off of them, and they are gaining followers consisting of Earth Vampires. The Earth Vampires accept the Vampire Guardian Angels as their new leaders as long as they are fed humans and taken care of. 

The author visits Detective Costa and tries to convince him that her dream has come true, and that the killings are caused by Vampire Guardian Angels. Meanwhile, the three Angels target their female victims, feeling entitled to doing so because they were denied what they consider pleasures of the flesh, before killing and feeding on their victims. 

Detective Costa gets an emergency call, and Ms. Price insists on going with him. As they get to where the latest victim is being attacked, Ms. Price gets kidnapped by Zeke. However, just as the Angels try to kill Detective Costa, the Guardian Angel Cameron appears and saves him. The three Angels take the author and disappear. 

Cameron turns out to have become a Vampire and tells Costa who the three Vampire Guardian Angels are and what they want with Ms. Price. Cameron tells Costa that the Angels were sent to open a portal to let the Vampire Guardian Angels in from Heaven so they can take over Earth, and that the author will be an “offering”. Cameron fights the three Angels as Costa frees Ms. Price, who tells him about what the Vampire Guardian Angels consider a “prophecy”, that they will be led by a new leader, Janos, who will bring all the Vampire Guardian Angels from Heaven to enslave humans, and that the portal is the only way in. Cameron reveals to Costa that Vampire Guardian Angels can only be killed by a Guardian Angel who was evil but who turned back to good.  Together, they manage to kill Zeke, Anthony, and Jude. The three angels burn and become balls of light, just like Gabriel did, but Cameron stops their ascent back to Heaven by throwing himself into the dying portal, blocking the portal as it implodes and preventing their resurrection in Heaven. Cameron disappears, presumably killed by the dying portal.

Vampire Guardian Angels: Revenant, Comic Book Issue 2: Full Story

Lia Scott Price's
Vampire Guardian Angels™ 
Revenant, Comic Book Issue 2

Copyright Lia Scott Price

About The Comic Book Series:

Lia Scott Price’s Vampire Guardian Angels is a creator-owned comic book series written and created by Horror Author Lia Scott Price. In the series, Guardian Angels from Heaven have become Vampires who kill people who pray for help to them, and both humans and “good” angels have to work to stop them.

What are Vampire Guardian Angels?

When you pray to guardian angels, do you know what they are? What if they were a vicious new breed and hybrid of serial killer, angel and vampire who target those who pray for help to them? Because they are tired of protecting us and want to put us out of our misery, by eating, and enslaving us. Don’t pray to them.

The Story: 

On Earth, back in the 15th Century, a Guardian angel, Gregory, sees a vision of the future of Heaven in a dream. Gabriel, now a Vampire in Heaven is biting all the other angels in a bloody, vicious rampage, turning them into Vampire Guardian Angels™. 

Gabriel kills Angels who refuse to become Vampires. It turns out that Gregory, already a Vampire but who is stuck on Earth, has been trying to find a way back to Heaven to turn all the angels into Vampires, but his dreams of Heaven many centuries into the future reveal that Gabriel will be the one to do it. Gregory is one of the first Guardian Angels to rebel, and like Gabriel, is sick of answering human prayers. He has produced a son, Janos, with the Vampire Countess Elizabeth Bathory, but the child is stillborn. Gregory tells the distraught Countess that the dead child will reincarnate and become leader of the Vampire Guardian Angels. 

Many centuries into the future, a grown-up Janos, now a college student in Brooklyn, New York, finds himself constantly drawn to Churches where he hears multiple voices asking for help, praying to their Guardian Angel, even though none of these peopleʼs lips are moving and no one is talking to him, but he sees them covered in blood. He also sees Angel statues coming to life. He is getting increasingly distraught that he is hearing and seeing things, and tends to stay out all night, which leads to friction between Janos and his girlfriend, Leah, who lives with him. 

Meanwhile, a confused and worried Leah is stalked by Gregory, who, being immortal,  has followed the progress of his son well into the present day.  Janos dreams about Gregory attacking Leah, and, disturbed by the dream, his visions, and the voices, seeks help from the campus psychiatrist, Dr. Harold Lieberman, who only prescribes medication for him. Janos, angry that the psychiatrist cannot help him, storms out. 

Janos does not realize that he is really a Vampire Guardian Angel who goes into a trance when he hears prayers of despair. He tracks the voices and feeds off women on campus who pray to their Guardian Angel. This was the reason he stayed out all night, but he does not remember anything the next morning. The bodies are examined by Detectives Graham and Murdock, who find that the victims have been seduced, tied up, and then drained of blood. 

Gregory finally decides it is time to reveal himself to Janos at the Church and tell him who he is and about his destiny. Gregory tries to convince Janos of who he is and what he was meant to do, that Janos is a Vampire Guardian Angel and the chosen leader because of his royal heritage from the Countess, and that is why he hears prayers, because he is a Guardian Angel as well.  Janos does not believe him and simply continues to believe that he is going crazy, until he goes home and bites Leah.. 

Leah throws Janos out, and as Janos finds refuge on campus, he hears a conversation between “Earth Vampires” disguised as students who talk about him and the plans of Vampire Guardian Angels to take over Earth and humans. As Janos, hiding on campus, tries to figure out what is real and what isnʼt, Gregory, disappointed in Janos, decides on “plan B” and decides to create another heir, another leader to take Janosʼs place. He kidnaps Leah and claims her as his own, impregnating her. 

Janos eventually seems to accept who he is and his fate and goes on a killing spree, feeding off his victims, whose bodies the detectives find in the basement of Janosʼs apartment. Janos has also killed the psychiatrist, Dr. Lieberman, and because he was a patient as well, the detectives identify Janos as the killer. Janos awakens at the Brooklyn bridge, realizing he has wings and can fly. However, Janos decides he will not do what Gregory wants and refuses to honor his destiny as leader of the Vampire Guardian Angels  as his father Gregory wanted.  Gregory finds Janos on the bridge and tells him he no longer needs him and will get rid of him. But Janos is saved by the detectives, who shoot Gregory. Gregory falls off the bridge and disappears. 

Hours later, it is revealed that Janos is actually confined in a mental hospital, and that he is suffering from delusions that he is a Vampire, and that a “Vampire Guardian Angel” was after him. Janos is visited by Leah, and it is further revealed that the recent events were nightmares dreamt by Leah. Leah begs an apparently still-alive Dr. Lieberman to help Janos get better. Distraught, Leah returns home to the apartment, where Gregory, very much alive, surprises and kidnaps her.

Vampire Guardian Angels: The Guardian, Comic Book Issue 1: Full Story

Lia Scott Price's
Vampire Guardian Angels™ 
The Guardian, Comic Book Issue 1 

Copyright Lia Scott Price 

About The Comic Book Series:

Lia Scott Price’s Vampire Guardian Angels is a creator-owned comic book series written and created by Horror Author Lia Scott Price. In the series, Guardian Angels from Heaven have become Vampires who kill people who pray for help to them, and both humans and “good” angels have to work to stop them.

What are Vampire Guardian Angels?

When you pray to guardian angels, do you know what they are? What if they were a vicious new breed and hybrid of serial killer, angel and vampire who target those who pray for help to them? Because they are tired of protecting us and want to put us out of our misery, by eating, and enslaving us. Don’t pray to them.

The Story: 

Prequel: The Beginning. (This is the prequel where Guardian Angels are first introduced as Serial Killers and have not yet become Vampires.)

In the city of Los Angeles, CA, there is a disillusioned Guardian Angel on the loose. He is a serial killer with serious issues (and not yet a Vampire.). He introduces himself as Gabriel, and he hates his job of watching over humans.  He narrates that he's desperate to stop people's prayers, that he's sick of their whining, and that he can't keep up with so many prayers. He admits that he targets only those who are despairing and suicidal and who pray specifically for help to a Guardian Angel. He reveals that he targets them because they are in distress, weak, and are easy victims to kill. However, Gabriel further reveals that he can only kill people by mind control. He can't kill them himself because he is still bound to “protect and serve” humans, and that he's doing this behind Godʼs back. However, he can convince despairing humans to kill themselves and make it look like a suicide or an accident, and to put the blame on the victim. Gabriel is desperate to get humans to "shut the hell up" and stop their goddamned nagging prayers. 

Gabriel chooses his first victim. Inside a Los Angeles church, police surrounded a priest with a handgun. The comic series introduces  Detective Jay Kirkland who is trying to negotiate with the suicidal priest. However, Gabriel, only visible to the priest, appears in the background and, using his mind control, convinces the priest by psychic mind control to shoot himself. Kirkland fails to save the priest and blames himself for the failed negotiation. 

After the incident, Kirkland sits in the church pews, filled with guilt. Heʼs approached by a man who turns out to be his new partner, Detective Cameron, who reveals photos showing the man in black. Meanwhile, Gabriel continues to target victims. In an East Los Angeles neighborhood, he watches a couple, Lupe and Sal, arguing. He targets the depressed  Sal and psychically convinces the young man to brandish a gun, to try to prompt the police to shoot him, and commit “suicide by cop”. Kirkland rushes to the scene and again tries to negotiate with Sal. But Gabriel appears and Sal is convinced to shoot, and the cops fire back. Cameron leaps in front of Sal to try to save his life, but is too late. Kirkland, convinced that Cameron is dead, is shocked when Cameron is unhurt. Cameron then reveals that he and Gabriel are Guardian Angels, that Gabriel has gone bad, and that Cameron is there to stop him. And while Kirkland blames himself yet again for what he sees as another failed attempt to save someoneʼs life, Gabriel returns to the coupleʼs house and causes Lupe to commit suicide by stabbing herself. 

Across from the coupleʼs house, a widow, Christina Urbain, is comforting her depressed son, Joseph, who had a bad dream in which someone died. Christina advises Joseph to pray to his Guardian Angel. Christina, still grieving for her deceased husband, heads to the church, to pray. Both inadvertently summon Gabriel, but he targets Christina first. Gabriel angrily confronts Christina and tells her how heʼs sick of her “whining”, insulting her and her deceased husband. He suddenly reveals he has a sword, but he is struck with a chair by a priest, who saves Christina. Gabriel disappears. Cameron arrives at the scene to question Christina about the attack, and escorts her home. But Gabriel still stalks Christina, and returns to attack her, but Cameron saves her. Angered, Gabriel stalks another victim in the church, Tammi, and has her kill herself in front of the priest who stopped him. 

As Gabriel leaves, he passes a basin filled with holy water, he sees his reflection. Gabriel has a flashback of him being sent as part of a child army during the crusades to fight. As a child he prayed for his Guardian Angel to save him, but he ended up being killed and became an Angel himself. Gabriel reveals that he is filled with rage because no one saved him, and he resents having to spend eternity being forced to save humans. He destroys some angel statues in the Church. 

Cameron visits Kirkland who is drinking heavily, still blaming himself for Gabrielʼs victimsʼ deaths. Cameron tries to convince Kirkland that Gabriel is responsible, not him. Then Cameron goes back to the church and finds Christina. They end up falling for each other. Suddenly, Christina gets a call from her panicked babysitter, who tells her a man is after Joseph. Gabriel makes Karen, the babysitter, kill herself. But Cameron appears and stops Gabriel, who says he will come back for Joseph. Gabriel returns to the Church, prompting the priest to call for help. Cameron responds, and takes Christina and Joseph and returns to the Church to look for Gabriel. He tells Christina and Joseph to stay in the car. But he hears a scream and goes back to the car, finding a black feather and both Christina and Joseph gone. 

Cameron finds Gabriel has taken Joseph hostage. Gabriel confronts Cameron, telling him why he is killing humans, because he does not want to “play therapist” anymore. Gabriel attempts to make Joseph walk into his sword to kill himself by telling Joseph her can see his dead father again if Joseph does what Gabriel says, but Gabriel sees a mysterious light in Josephʼs eyes. Joseph somehow convinces Gabriel to “go home” and Gabriel admits that Joseph has “the light”, burns up, turns into a ball of light and rises back to Heaven in a tunnel of light as Cameron, Christina, and Joseph are relieved that their ordeal is over. 

But a hiding Earth Vampire grabs a hold of Gabriel, and rises with him to Heaven, biting Gabriel, turning him and the rest of the angels in Heaven into Vampires.

Sunday, April 14, 2013 Interview

Thank you to Patrik Karlsson of (independent horror web site from Sweden) for the wonderful interview, and thank you for linking the Enthraller band FB page in the interview too! Much appreciated!

You'll find out what my fav food is, what scares me, and how I relax. It'll be fun! 

Read more here!  Lia Scott Price Interview

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fan Mail!

A nice letter from a fan and a request for an autographed photo. :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A More Disturbing Angel

In my comic books, I explore the more disturbing side of praying to a guardian angel. In my stories, there are people  who want to trust but so often end up too dependent on a higher power to help them with their problems. We believe that invoking entities can help us, without knowing what that entity really is. We are so programmed to nag, beg, and totally depend on something or someone else to rescue us and save us. We don’t question who, or what, it is we are praying to.

There’s the phrase "Be careful what you pray for." When you pray to any being, you really don't know who or what you are invoking. I’ve heard people say when they pray to a Guardian Angel that they’ll do anything for their help and guidance. People can become so desperate that they are willing to bargain with these unseen entities. So basically, you are telling an entity that you've never seen that you will do anything. It's an invitation to trouble.

So my Guardian Angels are very disturbing characters, probably one of the most disturbing angels you may read about. With the added twist of being a Vampire.

Be Careful Who You Pray To!

In my stories, Guardian Angels are disillusioned, angry, jealous and homicidal entities who have grown to resent humans and are tired of their "jobs". 

They are sick of listening to desperate prayers and choose to get rid of whining humans instead of helping them. Think of an entire customer service complaint department that goes ballistic because of nonstop complaints. 

Ever get so tired of someone coming to you constantly, asking for help, that to them you become some sort of savior/therapist? There are so many people who are praying to them, expecting them to rescue them from their troubles. So too many prayers can become overwhelming and with too many people crying out for help, guardian angels in my stories take matters into their own hands. 

They decide to do some mercy killing. They target those people in despair and end their lives for them. They can appear in human form or enter your mind and act helpful, sympathetic and charming to get into your head.

And they are Vampires. So not only do they get rid of you, they make a meal out of you too.

So be careful who you pray to!