Saturday, September 6, 2014

Progress of Comic Books

It normally takes about a year between comic book issues. My artists Andrew Setter (Illustrator) and  Chad Hammontree (Colorist)  work full-time (we all have day jobs).

It starts out with me writing the script for each comic book a few months in advance. I usually have two scripts ready with a few tweaks after the previous issue is published. Then, everything from the storyboarding to the initial drawing stages and the production schedule is coordinated by Chad who also functions as my Art Director. (Production is usually from February to December, and publishing is around February of the following year).

Once the drawing, shading and cover art are completed by Andrew, he hands them over to Chad, who finishes up the coloring and lettering.

I handle the layout and the publishing details, the PR and release, and promotion and sales (including online promotions, social media, and showcasing at comic conventions and events).

But the resulting art is fantastic and the wait is worth it!

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