Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Highlight of my Year is Comikaze

This will be my 3rd year as an exhibitor at Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo and comic book convention held at the Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA. It’s the main highlight of my year. Planning for it takes up the entire year for me. Since my artists Andrew Setter and Chad Hammontree and I work through text, phone calls and online file sharing, this is an opportunity for us to all meet up in person at Comikaze at least once a year.

I start by reserving for the booth by applying on-site.  Then comes several months of building up sales to fund what I need for the convention: mainly funds for my two artists’ flight from Missouri to Los Angeles, hotel, transportation, and food, t-shirts for booth staff, promotional items and giveaways such as stickers, and building up another inventory of comic books to have at the booth for the convention. My artists and I split the sales.

I coordinate the flight schedules with my art director Chad, book the hotel, plan for transportation, and provide the meal stipends for staffers at the booth. I also put together all the paperwork such as sales permits, apply for booth badges, and prep booth materials such as signage and posters. Then of course, there’s event promotions prior to and during the event on social media.

This is my once -a-year appearance and book signing as well where I also get to meet fans face to face. My artist Andrew draws for kids who come to our booth as well. We all get to meet other artists and exhibitors and network and make new connections and friends. We get to see al the fun costumes. Most of all I get to promote my comic book series and the fantastic art and work of my artists.

It’s a lot of work but it’s an event that’s truly enjoyable and exciting that I look forward to every year!

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