Showing posts with label About the Characters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About the Characters. Show all posts

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Comic Book Character: Ms. Price - Personality Profile

Ms. Price, in her late 30’s, is a ”Type A personality with a complex combination of both an introvert and extrovert personality”. She finds small talk and general social interaction incredibly tedious and intolerable at times because she is so reclusive and often anti-social, but she also craves genuine interactions with people who she can relate to, such as history buffs or other writers. She spends a lot of her time doing research and she supports herself through freelance writing, book royalties, paid talks and numerous grants, and a small inheritance from the parents she never knew, often describing herself as an author by day and (literal) “vampire” by night since she tends to stay up nights writing, and has been known to frequent university libraries late at night. She often feels “alone in a crowd” and feels that she has to have a purpose to be somewhere, such as a book signing. If there is no point in being somewhere, she won’t go, so she rarely socializes or dates. On the other hand, she gets bored easily and requires constant mental stimulation. She prefers time alone but gets restless. She’s pretty much a loner, social only when she needs to be. She’s been told she needs to “come out of her shell”. She often alternates between phases of working in solitude, and periods of social activity. 

All that changed when she met Detective Costa and when the Vampire Guardian Angels came to life. At first they didn’t get along, and Costa seems to have been encouraging her to “get out more” and not take life too seriously, but after some sarcastic bantering and after he rescued her from one of the Vampire Guardian Angels (Zeke), they grew close and began dating. Their relationship, however, is a stormy one since she hates relying on others and Costa is over-protective and determined to keep her safe from the Vampire Guardian Angels. Little is know about her past other than Jeromos’s discovery that Ms Price also has a royal lineage and is immortal and has possible supernatural “resurrection” powers, which would explain how the Vampire Guardian Angels were “brought to life”. She does have problems sleeping due to nightmares in which the Vampire Guardian Angels appear, either stalking her or chasing her. 

What the Character Ms Price, Author, means to the Vampire Guardian Angels

Why are they after Ms Price, the author, what makes some of them so desperate to keep her hostage, and why is she so important to them?

She’s their “Healer”. In a nutshell, she is considered their life-giving “Creator”  who brought them to life through her supernatural belief that they existed, and so whoever “owns” her will have access to her blood, which can heal and resurrect them.

She’s a potential Queen. She is also of royal blood and although initially human, she was already an immortal being having lived several lifetimes without realizing it, and she was turned into a Vampire by Jeromos. So she would make an “ideal Queen” for any Vampire Guardian Angel with royal blood.

She’s a stalking target. Vampire Guardian Angels, particularly  a defiant Vampire Guardian Angel named Zeke (Ezekiel), have stalked her in her dreams, but only Zeke has made physical contact.  Relentless in his pursuit, he was desperate to claim her, but he was killed by Cameron. After that, she refused to pray and tried to hide from them as much as she could, aided by Costa. What does make her a little harder to find is that she does not pray to them so they cannot track her often if they don’t hear her summon them, so the Vampire Guardian Angels also rely on a network of Earth Vampires to watch and report on her every move. But they can’t just take her. They have to adhere to the strict hierarchy, where only their leaders can determine what can be “taken” and “owned” and “claimed”. Jeromos has claimed the author as his and since he controls the Vampire Guardian Angel army and he is a royal, they must obey his orders not to touch her.

She’s a Prince’s obsession. Prince Jeromos is somewhat delusional in his obsession with Ms Price and his pursuit of her. He associates “owning” her with absolute power and status, even if it is a relationship without any love or affection. He idealizes her as his “perfect match” despite the fact that she has no love for him, does not reciprocate, and is terrified of him. He is convinced, however, that she will grow to accept him, and forces himself on her despite her rejection of him. He is extremely jealous of Costa and of anyone who even tries to rescue her or even looks at her with desire. Jeromos is dominating and controlling towards her because he does not want to lose her to another Vampire Guardian Angel, so he guards her 24/7 and restricts her every movement and allows her no contact with anyone or the outside world. He does not care if she never loves him, as long as he possesses her and can use her blood to heal his army and himself, and use her as a status symbol, a sort of Vampire “trophy wife”, for his own pleasures and for his own “healing”. He knows that as long as he has her, he has absolute control over the Vampire Guardian Angels since he will be practically invincible because of her healing blood and he can use it s a bargaining tool with his own army and followers (as in if they want to be healed, they have to do as he says.)

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Press Kit

About Lia Scott Price:

Lia Scott Price is a comic book writer, artist, and the creator of Vampire Guardian AngelsTM, characters from her vampire comic book series “Vampire Guardian Angels”. She brings a fresh, disturbing twist and an original story to the vampire genre  by turning Guardian Angels into a new breed of vampire (a hybrid of a serial killer, guardian angel, and vampire). Her comic book series features a unique, bloody and gory vampire that's entirely different and new. She also appears in her comic book series as an "author" character who "discovers" the existence of Vampire Guardian Angels and supernaturally, "brings them to life",  and becomes  "Queen of the Vampire Guardian Angels". She also features local metal bands in her comic book series.

Lia Scott Price contact info (Media and Press Inquiries)

What are Vampire Guardian Angels?

Vampire Guardian Angels are Guardian Angels who have been bitten by Vampires, and have turned a deadly new breed and hybrid of Vampire and Angel. They can only respond to humans who pray specifically to a Guardian Angel, so that makes them Serial Killers.  They have to be "summoned" by "Guardian Angel Believers" who plead and pray for help or protection from Guardian Angels. Vampire Guardian Angels find, feed off, and enslave their human victims by using prayers as a "tracking device". Guardian Angels have become Serial Killers and Vampires. Don't Pray. You Become Prey.

About The Comic Book Series:

Vampire Guardian Angels is a creator-owned, independent and original comic book series created and written by Lia Scott Price. Enter a disturbing world where Guardian Angels have become vicious vampires and serial killers who hunt down humans who pray to them, who crave power and seek to enslave all humans and "earth" vampires. As these evil "Vampire Guardian Angels" begin to form armies and fight over a "creator" who holds the power of regeneration and the healing of angels, only one "good" angel remains to fight them, and both humans and "earth" vampires must also try to work together to stop them.

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The series is a mix of psychological action-thriller and horror-slasher. It's a bloody and gory comic book series done in a full-color cover with a black, white and red interior, featuring Vampire Guardian Angels with a zombie-like appetite, where they not only drink blood but can consume entire bodies.

The Concept:

When you pray to guardian angels for help, do you know what they are?  What if they were tired of protecting you and prefer to put you out of your misery instead of helping you?  Why do humans   always rely on a higher power to save them and  never question who or what it is they are summoning? 

Your Guardian Angel could actually be a serial killer. You may just be summoning something that hates you and who has turned completely disillusioned, rebellious, psychotic, and homicidal.  What if they did things that Guardian Angels aren't supposed to do? Plus, they could be vampires who drain you of your blood.

And to top it off,  what if your guardian angel also became an evil, deadly, brutal, new and different type of Vampire who enslaved you and fed on you?

The Story:

Enter a disturbing world where Guardian Angels have become vicious vampires and serial killers who hunt down and enslave humans who pray to them.

Trapped for centuries by a mystical power that required the power of belief and summoning to release them, they were “freed” when an “author” character played by Lia Scott Price accidentally brought them to life by proving they existed in the Bible and by writing extensively about them.

Issue 1: Prequel. Guardian Angels become Serial Killers:

The story begins with a Guardian Angel, Gabriel, first becoming a serial killer. Sick of listening to desperate prayers, of human whining about their miseries, and of helping and saving humans, he rebels and goes on a killing spree. He hated his role of being forced to serve a race of weak, begging, whining, institutionalized, easily-brainwashed humans who rely too much on the supernatural to save them. Angered by the fact that he is still bound by some rules of Heaven such as having to answer prayers because of the nature of what he is, he does everything he can to "stop" the prayers, eventually being driven mad by the voices he hears. Eventually "killed" by a "good" angel, Gabriel ascends to Heaven.

Issues 2 through 3: Guardian Angels become Vampires:

Gabriel resurrects in Heaven, but an "Earth" Vampire hitched a ride with his ascending body. The Vampire bites the Angel, and the Angel turns all Guardian Angels into an even more powerful and almost invincible breed of Vampire, immune to holy water, sunlight, and crucifixes, because of their "holy" origins. Some are trapped in Heaven, where this new hybrid waits for a "portal" to be opened to invade Earth. But back on Earth, there are other guardian angels who have already been bitten by and turned into vampires, or who are just realizing that they are a new hybrid. In short, Guardian Angels trade in their halos for fangs. They still have to respond to prayers since they are still Angels, but now they use human prayers as a "beacon" to find their food.

Issues 4 through 6 and ongoing: Vampire Guardian Angels become Conquerors:

Ruled by a proclaimed and prophesied King, eventually individual Vampire Guardian Angels start to rebel against each other and to form their own "kingdoms".  Now resentful of their "jobs" as angels who "forced" to  protectors to humans, they now seek revenge and to take over both Heaven and Earth and make all humans and any “believers” in guardian angels, their slaves. These pop-culture sacred icons become lustful, vengeful, seductive, psychopathic, sociopathic, angry, jealous, traumatized, and resentful vampires who pillage and murder both humans and Earth Vampires. Realizing their new power, invincibility, and immortality as vampires and angels,  Vampire Guardian Angels start to enslave both regular “Earth” vampires and humans  ("believers") for food and breeding to continue their species. They begin to form armies, rebel against their King, and fight each other to rule over mankind. They also pursue and fight over the author, now their chosen “Queen of the Vampire Guardian Angels” because as their “creator”, her blood holds the power of “regeneration” and the healing of angels and, when combined with holy relics, can make Vampire Guardian Angels "invincible".

Good Vs Evil?

Each issue introduces each character and their goals, motives and origins as they fight each other for power. Characters have the choice of whether to join or destroy evil. The "good" angels who remain to fight them are torn between saving humans with very little reward and too much work and self-sacrifice, and rebelling against their traditional protector roles to become evil doing whatever they want to do. The angels are flawed and also struggle with their own once-human emotions and "issues".  In the series, the good may be evil and the evil may or may not turn back to good.  There’s always a couple of good guys and hero-types in the series, but in this comic book, they can also change. 

A Brutal, Metal Comic Book Series:

It’s also "metal" comic book. This serial-killing Vampire Guardian Angel hybrid will hunt you down through your whiny prayers, slice you up, brutally tear you apart and feast on your bloody dripping carcass. They “shred” (bodies). The series does occasionally feature local Los Angeles metal, death metal and black metal bands, (Lia’s friends) both active and inactive, just for fun, as background characters.

What inspired the Comic Book Series? 

Lia Scott Price's stories question why we rely so much on that supernatural entity to save us, and why we put so much of that blind faith in a higher power to help us and we don't even know what it is we are summoning. Guardian Angels or any supernatural entity could be a serial killer or a vampire. She uses horror to explore an alternate view of Guardian Angels and was inspired to create something disturbing from something "normal" and innocent",  and to turn it into something terrifying.

Why Guardian Angels?

"It may be disturbing to turn a guardian angel into a serial killer and a vampire, especially something that kills you when you pray. But I'm exploring what a guardian angel could be, since it's a supernatural being That's the whole point of my comic books: to make Guardian Angels into something evil in a vampire series.  My stories are designed to make you think, to question what your Guardian Angel is because you don't even know what it is you're praying to and you never know what's coming for you. It could be my very angry, and very hungry, Vampire Guardian Angels."--Lia Scott Price

Creative Team: (Past and Current, Per Issue)

-Lia Scott Price the writer and creator of the Vampire Guardian Angels comic book series. She is the artist, letterer, colorist (interior), and co-inker for Issue 6, and artist, letterer, and colorist for Issue 7 and future issues.

-Andrew Huerta is the inker and cover artist for Issue 6, and cover artist/colorist for Issue 7. He is a freelance/comic book artist who has worked on many titles with publishers like IDW Publishing, Dynamite Entertainment and BOOM! Studios.

-Chad Hammontree is the colorist, letterer, graphic designer and art director for Lia Scott Price's Vampire Guardian Angels comic book series. (Issues 1-5, and the cover of Issue 6)  He is a graduate from Missouri Western State University and is a freelance artist.

-Andrew Setter was the (former) artist and illustrator for Lia Scott Price's Vampire Guardian Angels comic book series (Issues 1-5).  He is a graduate from Missouri Western State University and is a freelance artist.

Comic Book Issue Titles and their Artists (with Creative Team Credits) :

Q. Do the comic books in the series have titles?
A. Yes, just like "episode" titles.

Lia Scott Price's Vampire Guardian Angels Comic Book Series:

Vampire Guardian Angels: The Guardian (Issue 1) (Price/Setter/Hammontree)
Vampire Guardian Angels: Revenant (Issue 2) (Price/Setter/Hammontree)
Vampire Guardian Angels: Dominion (Issue 3) (Price/Setter/Hammontree)
Vampire Guardian Angels: Resurrection: Afterlife (Issue 4) (Price/Setter/Hammontree)
Vampire Guardian Angels: Rule of Blood (Issue 5) (Price/Setter/Hammontree)
Vampire Guardian Angels: Immortal's Reliquary (Issue 6) (Price/Huerta/Hammontree)
Vampire Guardian Angels: Apocalypse (Issue 7) (Price/Huerta)

Future issues and sequels will be drawn by Lia Scott Price.

Creative Team Trivia

-Vampire Guardian Angels will be drawn by Lia Scott Price starting with Issue 6 and future issues on.

-Issue 6 is Lia Scott Price's first time as a comic book artist, letterer, and colorist for her own comic book. Her drawings appear in Issue 6, Issue 7, and future issues.

-Vampire Guardian Angels is Price's first comic book series as an independent author and publisher.

- This is the first comic book series project for artists Andrew Setter (Issues 1-5) and Chad Hammontree.

- The series was originally created by Lia Scott Price in 2012.

-The comic books are based on Lia Scott Price's Vampire Trilogy novel "The Guardian, Revenant, and Dominion"

Photos and Images

Publicity photo for inclusion in articles etc. (for online, non-print use only) and please credit the photographer Jeff E Photo:

All Lia Scott Price Comic Books and Images are Copyrighted

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Main Characters of the Vampire Guardian Angels Comic Book Series

Ms. Price (The "Author" and "Creator"): She's a medieval history researcher who discovers the inquisition his vampires and that there were "Vampire Guardian Angels in the Bible". She accidentally "awakens" them supernaturally because of her obsessive belief in trying to let the world know about their existence. Jeromos discovered that, as the "creator", her blood has healing powers. He turns her into a vampire. She has royal blood, and she's the secret antidote to healing his army and those who follow him. So he gets one step closer to ruling.

Cameron: A Guardian Angel disguised as an L.A. police detective sent to stop Gabriel, but who also becomes a Vampire Guardian Angel. Relax, he's one of the good guys...for now. He spends a hell of a lot of his time trying to fight the bad guys, and is especially obsessed with stopping Gabriel. Cameron is known as the "The Killer of Angels." In the Vampire Guardian Angel world, only good angels can kill bad ones. But right now, there's only one of him, and he has his hands full.

Detective Costa: A chain-smoking, grumpy but smart and dedicated detective who helps Cameron track down the bad guys. He's impulsive, and oftentimes unsure of what to do when faced with supernatural creatures, but then again you would be too if you had to fight an army of Vampire Guardian Angels.

Gabriel: a psychopathic Serial Killing Vampire Guardian Angel who hunts down people through their prayers of despair. He is the most feared, pst dangerous and mentally unstable of all the Vampire Guardian Angels, primarily because prayers drive him insane and all he wants to do is shut everyone up. He kills methodically and without mercy. He appears helpful and charming at first, before he slices you up and drains you of your blood.

Janos: Current King and leader of the Vampire  Guardian Angels. He’s of royal blood, but he’s  seen as a weak, indecisive, manic-depressive, insecure leader who everyone wants to overthrow. He takes pleasure and solace in hacking people to pieces and drinking blood from their decapitated heads. But because of his ruthlessness, (he’s merciless to his enemies, which earns him precious points), he is able to hang on to power….barely.  He’d rather sink in deep depression than rule, but he’s always  been told this is his destiny, so he reluctantly accepts the leadership.

Prince Jeromos: Also of royal blood like Janos, and Janos's Second-in-Command and his chosen successor. But he’s a backstabber and a not-so-loyal heir. He’s impatient for the throne, so he raises an army and breaks away from Janos. He’s also power-hungry and ruthless. He’s quite the talented alchemist though, coming up with rather bloody healing potions. In the Vampire Guardian Angel world, he’s known as “The Healer”. But he also wants to be known as “King”.

Joseph: Cameron’s stepson.  A hot-tempered, jealous, misguided, vengeful and power-hungry Vampire Guardian Angel who has  the “power of light” capable of burning angels, but those powers only work if he’s one of the good guys. Right now he’s leaning more towards becoming a bad guy because, well, he wants to rule both Heaven and Earth, even if it means becoming evil. Oh yeah, he’s also known as “The Angel Killer”, a title his stepfather also shares, but he’s not too happy about that.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Character Profile: Jeromos

Prince Jeromos Dracon is Janos’s right-hand man and chosen heir because of his royal blood and supposedly loyalty. But Jeromos is rebellious, power-hungry, and an alcoholic, whose hard drinking was caused by his horrible disfigurement by Cameron and his passion for the Author Ms. Price, who he kidnapped to turn into a vampire and who he believes sees him as a hideous monster. Jeromos is lustful, arrogant, fearless, and wanting leadership and power.

Jeromos wants to become leader and has the potential to become a very dangerous contender. He has some very powerful advantages—he is considered the “healer” as he has managed to find a serum for the virus that is killing off the Vampire Guardian Angels, and the reason he kidnapped the Author is that he has found that, as the “creator” and discoverer of the Vampire Guardian Angels (supposedly in biblical texts),  her blood has healing and restorative powers, so he is hell-bent on keeping her for himself as she can also heal him. This alone would make him leader, but he feels it is his right to be leader since he is of royal blood, as an ancient Estonian Prince. The Vampire Guardian Angels already see him as stronger and more effective than Janos, and they are slowly abandoning Janos to follow Jeromos. And as long as he has the author, the Vampire Guardian Angels will follow him.

But Jeromos is blinded by passion and alcohol, which can make him reckless. Despite this, he is confident and charismatic and has built up a formidable army and is ready to challenge Janos’s rule. And he does not hesitate in being ruthless to his enemies.

Character Profile: Detective Costa

Detective Sebastian Costa is a morally-driven human cop with a personality similar to Cameron, determined to do good. At first skeptical about the existence of the Vampire Guardian Angels, he was in the beginning suspicious of Ms. Price, but soon found out they were real and, as he fought to save her from them, he and Ms. Price grew close. 

Costa is a brave detective, but he is easily frustrated and impatient, temperamental, and cocky, and at times unsure of how to handle himself  in situations involving the Vampire Guardian Angels so he always tends to look to Cameron for guidance and even help. But he cares about doing the right thing as much as Cameron does and wants to protect humans, especially the Author, Ms. Price, who he was dating. He fights to retain his own humanity in a world taken over by Vampire Guardian Angels and finds himself often overwhelmed. 

He becomes even more determined when Ms. Price is kidnapped by Jeromos, and he fears the worst for her, which drives him to do anything and everything to find her. He wants to become a better fighter and knows that Cameron may not always be there, and puts pressure on himself to take the initiative and control of situations.

Character Profile: Joseph


Joseph is a selfish, insecure, self-absorbed young man who still suffers from grief and trauma from the death of his mother, and from Cameron turning him into a Vampire after killing his mother when he was a young boy. He is hell-bent on revenge against Cameron, who accidentally killed his mother, Christina, when Cameron suddenly transformed into a Vampire Guardian Angel after being bitten in Heaven and falling back to Earth. But Joseph was not aware that he was a reincarnated Guardian Angel, called "The Killer of Angels" for his power of light that could send Angels to their deaths and resurrection back in Heaven.

Joseph still cannot find himself to forgive Cameron, and his anger is so great that he is contemplating joining forces with whoever can destroy Cameron, even if it means finding an ally in Gabriel, who is still vengeful about what Joseph did to him but he hates Cameron more, or by leading the Vampire Guardian Angels himself. In the process, Joseph finds his desire for power growing. But he knows he is inexperienced and still young and that no one takes him seriously, and he is resentful of that, and it makes him insecure and more determined to prove himself. He also wants to be more powerful than Gabriel and Cameron, and resents Cameron’s pleas for him to “stay good”. Like Janos and Gabriel, Joseph is so traumatized he can no longer feel much human emotion, and Cameron is determined to make Joseph hang on to what little empathy he has left.

Joseph is highly intelligent and unlike Janos and Gabriel, he is not reckless and impulsive. He plans before he acts. He knows he has incredible power that he still needs to learn how to use, but is undecided whether for good or for evil. He is ambitious and intuitive and also very secretive. He watches and learns, and tries to find vulnerability. He finds ways to use people and situations to his advantage. He sees himself as a better leader and no matter how difficult, he is focused on that goal and on gaining the respect of all the Vampire Guardian Angels. He is actually fearless, courageous, and willing to find ways to achieve his goal. He can be stubborn and confrontational, and likes to be in charge and does not want to be told what to do. Deep inside is a brooding passion for a challenge and he seeks to discipline that energy and make it work for him, which makes him a formidable contender for future leadership.

Character Profile: Gregory

Gregory Adamson is one of the first Vampire Guardian Angels on earth, bitten by an Earth Vampire and unable to get back to Heaven. He fathers Janos with Countess Elizabeth Bathory, and though Janos is born a stillborn, Janos later reincarnates and Gregory waits until his son is older to tell him about his heritage and convince him to become the leader of the Vampire Guardian Angels and that he must find a way to bring all the angels down from Heaven to take over Earth.

But he soon finds that Janos is a reluctant leader, difficult to manage, and, because he is so blindly dedicated to his quest on finding a leader, he goes as far as impregnating Janos’s girlfriend Leah in order to try to make another “heir” and leader. However, she commits suicide before the child is born. Gregory wanders the earth in anger, and decides to try to make a leader out of Joseph, Cameron’s stepson. But Gregory is killed by a mysterious plague that targets vampires which, it turns out, was a virus sent by his own son Janos.

Gregory is a calculating, greedy, lustful character who is blinded by the need for power and by his desire to fulfill the prophecy and find a leader for the Vampire Guardian Angels. He has a laser focus on this goal and will do anything and everything to find, or even create, a leader. He lacks complete empathy and sympathy for humans and sees them as slaves to be used or eaten, and is relentless and manipulative in getting his way. This shows in his unending stalking and harassment of his son, and his brutal taking of Leah.

Character Profile: Janos

Janos Bathory is a reclusive, introverted, gloomy, brooding, moody, irritable, temperamental, and sulky character who later turned out to be a reincarnated Vampire Guardian Angel and a prince, son of a notorious vampire countess from the 15th century and of the ancient Vampire Guardian Angel Gregory. He is secretive, sensitive to criticism, a loner, and emotionally distant, even to his girlfriend, Leah. He believes he is mentally ill, because he hears voices, which turns out to be the prayers of the despairing. He panics when he realizes that, while in a trance, he has been responding to these prayers by feeding on humans and that he is a serial killer. He also believes he is delusional because he sees fanged angels, who turn out to be his followers who are waiting for him to “lead” them, which causes him to seek psychiatric help and he becomes further withdrawn as a result.  He needs convincing that he is more than human and destined for something else, so his father Gregory constantly appears to him, revealing who he is and attempting to convince him to become the leader of the Vampire Guardian Angels due to an ancient prophecy that only a Vampire Guardian Angel of royal blood can unite and lead them, and take over Earth and enslave all humans and “Earth Vampires”.

But due to his personality, Janos is seen by many of the Vampire Guardian Angels as a leader who is reluctant, pessimistic, and hesitant to make major decisions. Though he finally accepts his role, he does resent it and does his best to stall on things that require his attention, such as finding a way to invade Earth from Heaven. When his girlfriend Leah commits suicide, Janos becomes even more withdrawn and indecisive, completely traumatized and still grieving over her death, unable to get over it. He tends to keep things inside,  filled with self-pity, regret, and is too self-absorbed to concentrate on his role, stifling his feelings, and exploding into rare rages that last briefly. He dreads feeling any kind of emotion, and even when his father Gregory is killed later in the series, he shows no grief or emotion, other than the grief he has for Leah, as he thinks he cannot handle any more emotion of any kind.

But when he does “snap out of it” to try and lead, he is brutal, homicidal, and feels the need to make up for being seen as weak  by demonstrating savagery on enemies in gory ways. (For instance, by decapitating a victim as a way of sending or emphasizing a message and drinking from the still-bleeding neck). He can also be possessive and jealous and it’s all or nothing for him. He responds by rejecting those who reject him or who do not do what he wants or when things do not go his way., which he struggles to control since he knows he needs allies and he needs the cooperation of his followers, otherwise, he fears, they might rebel.

Character Profile: Ms. Price (“The Author”)

The Author (Ms. Price) is an intellectual, reclusive writer who “discovers” the existence of the Vampire Guardian Angels in biblical texts and is determined to prove their existence. However, in doing so and by acknowledging their existence, she inadvertently “frees” them and they come to life and begin to take over humans and Earth Vampires. So strong is her power to make these Angels real that she is considered the “Creator” and her blood contains healing powers that the Vampire Guardian Angels crave. Jeromos figures this out and kidnaps her, turns her into a vampire to give her immortality, and keeps her prisoner in his fortress/castle in Sweden, using her blood to heal his soldiers.

Ms. Price is socially awkward, preferring instead to live a reclusive life of research and writing, until she meets Detective Costa, who slowly brings her out of her shell and into the world, despite her being cold, suspicious and resentful of him and his skepticism of her work, which she is stubbornly devoted to. However, she is kidnapped and Costa is determined to find her. Despite her being surrounded by dangerous Vampire Guardian Angels, she manages to stay calm, does not panic, and keeps her wits together.

Character Profile: Cameron

Cameron is a guilt-ridden, morally-driven character and the only existing “good” Guardian Angel left. Disguised as a detective on Earth and tasked with finding and bringing Gabriel back to Heaven and determined to turn him back to good, Cameron finds he has his hands full when he realizes he is the only good angel left, and that even his own adopted stepson Joseph is growing torn between good and evil.

Cameron is also struggling with grief and self-torture for his accidental killing of his girlfriend  Christina, Joseph’s mother, and he constantly seeks the forgiveness of Joseph. He is also grieving over the death of his former human detective partner, Kirkland, at the hands of Gabriel. This clouds his judgement and blinds him to the fact that his own son may become evil. Cameron believes that there is still good in the Angels and that they will eventually come around and stop their takeover, and he is unable to realize that this makes him too trusting and vulnerable and willing to give them a chance. Because of this trust, Cameron ends up being betrayed by his own son Joseph, who tries to side with Janos. But Cameron continues his role of good cop and father, protecting Joseph, mankind and anyone who he sees as needing his help. He does kill Vampire Guardian Angels when he needs to, but not without fights that often leave him wounded and damaged. He is still determined to stop Gabriel and still believes he can turn him back to good, but finds that he also needs to find a way to stop not only Janos, but also Prince Jeromos, another Vampire Guardian Angel determined to take over leadership. Cameron, however, is protected by the fact that he can kill any Vampire Guardian Angel as long as he remains “good”. so no matter how many beatings he takes, he manages to recover. Cameron has no desire for power. He still wants to save mankind, his son, and bring the Angels back to good. He later teams up with a human Detective,  Sebastian Costa (who later becomes a Vampire), who he hopes will continue to stay on the “good” side.

Cameron’s personality is that of the good cop, constantly trying to do the “right” thing in a fair and just way, which is why he is so traumatized by his killing of Christina, which was not his fault and was the result of transforming into a Vampire, and he fed on her accidentally. So he is obsessed with trying to “make things right” again. Her death haunts him and makes him ever more driven to do the right thing. But Cameron should not be seen as weak. Don’t underestimate him. He is a badass.

Character Profile: Gabriel

Gabriel is the first character in the comic book series. He is a disillusioned Guardian Angel who “snapped” and rebelled against his “job” of answering prayers and helping humans. He becomes a serial killer, responding to the desperate and suicidal humans. He appears to them with promises to “end their pain” and is charming, soothing, and pretends to be helpful. Then he kills them in gruesome ways, taking out his anger and resentment on humans. His main goal is to “shut humans up” so he does not have to listen and respond to prayers, and he no longer wants to help humans.

Gabriel is resentful of humans because, as a young boy, he was sent to his death during the crusades. When he called out to his Guardian Angel to save him from an approaching medieval army, he was not saved. So he feels that is he was not helped, why should he help humans?

He has the power to control weak human minds. At first, he is not able to touch humans or kill them with his hands, because he is still a Guardian Angel and is forbidden to physically harm people.  So, he finds a "loophole": he targets the suicidal, the depressed, and hypnotizes them, making them kill themselves. His murders are not suspected because they are ruled out as suicides.

Gabriel later becomes a Vampire when he is killed by Joseph and as he ascends to Heaven, a vampire hitches a ride and bites him, and Gabriel in turn bites all the angels in Heaven. Gabriel actually relishes this new role, because now he can kill with his own hands and not rely on mind control. He feels like a God, but is more of a criminally insane monster. His rage fuels his serial killing.

Gabriel is a sociopath, with a single goal: to get rid of humans who caused him so much pain and anger and who he hates because he thinks he was forced to cater to them and become their therapists. He feels superior to humans and finds it demeaning to have to help them. He lacks complete empathy, and has a cold, calculating, homicidal nature. He is delusional in that he thinks that he will only be free if he destroys all humans and that this is the only way he can be free of the torment of their prayers. He is manipulative and uses his charms to “comfort” humans and take them trust him before he kills them (and, as a vampire, feeds on them). He is one of the most dangerous of the Vampire Guardian Angels, and also the most impulsive, vindictive, and unstable. He mindlessly destroys anything in his path. His personality is more like that of a ten-year-old throwing an endless tantrums. Deep inside, he is insecure, in emotional pain, and suffering from severe trauma.

The only time he has ever shown regret was when he met Joseph, the stepson of his rival Cameron. Joseph was able to make Gabriel see what he did was wrong and convinced him to go back to Heaven, and killed him in the process. However, after Gabriel resurrects in Heaven and after being bitten by the Vampire,  Gabriel becomes even more angry and more vindictive, seeking vengeance against Joseph and Cameron. Although still retaining his charm and manipulative personality, he becomes more of a mindless killing machine in later issues.

Unlike the other Vampire Guardian Angels in the series, Gabriel does not want to be a leader or rule over Vampires and humans. He prefers to just get rid of the whole humankind and anyone who gets in his way.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Vampire Guardian Angels are Serial Killers

My Vampire Guardian Angels are serial killers. How do they find you? Your desperate prayers summon them. But ONLY if you pray specifically to Guardian Angels for help. Ravenous Vampire Guardian Angels...they are ready to strike!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fan Feedback: Gabriel a "Nasty Villain"

I've been getting feedback on one of the main characters, Gabriel. He's a "bastard", "nasty", but a "great villain" and a "all around creepy dude" who no one wants to meet in a dark alley. Nice! Thank you everyone for your feedback! Gabriel can, and will, only get nastier!

Gabriel: Serial Killer Guardian Angel at first, becomes a Vampire Guardian Angel. He's a rebellious angel  killed by another Guardian Angel, Cameron, but comes back to life when bitten by a Vampire.  His weapon is a sword.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Fan Favorite: Cameron

I'm getting a lot of feedback that so far, the fan character favorite, hands down, is Cameron, and that fans are definitely looking forward to seeing more of him is the next issues. Cameron's character is constantly developing, and he's one of my favorites too!

To learn more about Cameron, get the comic book series, read the novel, or check out the character profiles in the about the characters section!

Cameron (Camael) (Book 1, 3, 4, 5): A Guardian Angel disguised as an L.A. police detective sent to stop Gabriel. He kills Gabriel in Book 1. He falls in love with one of Gabriel's intended victims and protects her son Joseph. He becomes a Vampire Guardian Angel in Book 3, but helps Detective Costa (Book 3) defeat the first wave of Vampire Guardian Angels. His weapon is a pair of Kali sticks. Note: In the comic book series, Cameron carries a sword.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Character from Revenant, Issue #2: Janos

Character profile "Janos" from my Vampire Guardian Angels Comic Book Series, "Revenant", Issue #2.

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Character from Revenant, Issue #2: Detectives Graham and Murdock

Character profile "Detectives Graham and Murdock" from my Vampire Guardian Angels Comic Book Series, "Revenant", Issue #2.

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Character from Revenant, Issue #2: Leah

 Character profile "Leah" from my Vampire Guardian Angels Comic Book Series, "Revenant", Issue #2.

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Character from Revenant, Issue #2: Gregory

 Character profile "Gregory" from my Vampire Guardian Angels Comic Book Series, "Revenant", Issue #2.

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