Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Not Your Ordinary Vampire

Meet a new breed of Vampire and a different twist in the genre. A new original kind of vicious, brutal, bloody Vampire: deadly with a surprising twist on what they are.

They are Guardian Angels with Fangs, and "Issues".

Lia Scott Price's Vampire Guardian Angels are a new type of Serial Killer and a new breed of Vampire. Pray for help to one, you die. They kill and eat you instead of help you. Because they are sick and tired of answering your prayers. They're not therapists.

But they are badly in need of therapy themselves, because they suffer from PTSD (trauma from ancient martyrdom), and work fatigue (trying to keep up with all our prayers to them.)

Vampire Guardian Angels can't keep up with human whining. This is how they deal with it. Through anger, gore, and releasing their inner psychosis.

How did Lia come up with her characters?: She challenges the popular belief that Guardian Angels are good protectors: What if they aren't good? Why not turn them into something evil, like a Serial Killer, and a Vampire?

Yep, Vampire Guardian Angels. Go Ahead. Pray to one. You'll make a great meal. Find out how brutal they are.

Vampire Guardian Angels are the unique creation of Horror/Vampire Author Lia Scott Price. They are the brutal, bloody and disturbing characters in her comic book series. Written by Lia Scott Price. Art by Andrew Setter and Chad Hammontree.

Read the Comic Book Series!

Terrifying New Guardian Angels

Terrifying new Guardian Angels...and they are terrifying new Vampires. Bad news about your Guardian Angel: He's a bloodthirsty Vampire.

So how do you avoid these bloodthirsty Vampires: Don't Pray in Vain!

These Guardian Angels answer your prayers of despair in the worst possible a brutal Vampire!

Sure it's a crazy idea that your Guardian Angel is a brutal Vampire....and here is the Comic Book Series!

Vampire Guardian Angels Comic Book Series

The Tools of a Vampire Guardian Angel

Aggression, fangs, sharp swords, and brutality: the tools of a Vampire Guardian Angel. They find you through your prayers of despair.

4 Signs that Your Guardian Angel is a Vampire

4 Signs that Your Guardian Angel is a Vampire

1. They show up with black wings and fangs
2. You're gutted instead of saved
3. They hate your whining to them...and they let you know it
4. They star in a brutal comic book series!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Meet the New Vampire

My stories are designed to make you think, to question what your Guardian Angel is. Because you don't even know what it is you're praying to.

In my comic books, Your Guardian Angel has become a homicidal, serial Killer Vampire.

When people get desperate, they'll pray to Guardian Angels to save them. But do you know who answers?  What if it was one of my horrifying and bloodthirsty slasher Vampire Guardian Angels (Who really don't feel like saving any of you, BTW).

Be careful who you pray to. You might become their prey.

Do you really know who you're praying to?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Not a Mainstream Comic Book Series

This is not a mainstream comic book series. The topic happens to be a little too disturbing, daring, and edgy. Just the way I like it. I am an independent publisher and this is what I would call an underground project, not the trend of the romantic Vampire stuff you see today, and something I do that's original and different. And quite brutal. Read more about it on this blog. Explore the labels to the right. Get to know my Vampires. (But don't pray to one!)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Difference Between Novel and Comic Books

The difference between my original Vampire Trilogy Novel "The Guardian, Revenant, and Dominion" and my Comic Book Series that's based on this novel, is that the novel is much more detailed and explicit. (R-Rated, over 18 only).  It's only implied in the comic book art.

In the novel, the more detailed scenes are meant to show the type of personalities my Vampire Guardian Angels have and what kind of characteristics make them so disturbing. They are sadistic, sociopathic, depraved, and possess human frailties and desires, something you would not expect a Guardian Angel to be, or have. Well, you would not expect them to be Vampires either. Hence, the making of a Horror novel and Comic Book Series.

The novel only goes up to 3 stories in the trilogy. The next sequels and continuation to the trilogy novel, Books 4, 5, and 6. will be written in Comic Book format, and will introduce new characters who were not in the original trilogy novel.

Over 18 Only. Contains R-Rated Material.

A New Breed of Disturbing Vampire

This is what my comic book series is all about. This image pretty much says it all.

A new, original, unique and disturbing Vampire. A brutal, violent, psychotic, sociopathic serial killer. No romance. No happily ever after. Just blood, gore, and nightmares. This is the type of Vampire I want to bring back and promote.

Plus, I've turned your everyday Guardian Angel into a Vampire.

This is how they get you: When you pray to one of my characters, they track you down by your prayers of despair (there's a catch--you have to be desperate and asking a Guardian Angel for help), and when they hear you, they come and they feed on you. Because not only are they sick of human whining and dependence on Angels, they have also become hungry Vampires.

A disturbing concept, isn't it? You never thought of your helpful, loving Guardian Angel to turn out to be a vicious serial killer that hunts you down and feeds on you just because you've prayed to one, but makes for quite a refreshingly original Comic Book Series.

So remember: Don't Pray to your Guardian Angel. You never know who, or what, answers.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What's Unique about the Comic Book Series

I created a new, original, and unique breed of serial-killing vampire. I've brought a fresh new twist, a new concept, and a refreshing dose of originality to the Vampire genre.This is a new breed of deadly Vampire, immune to everything that you thought should supposedly kill a Vampire. This is an innovative new story that pushes the envelope, challenges our beliefs, beloved symbols, and comfort zone, and will forever change the way you see your Guardian Angel.

Read more here.

Brutal Vampires

Throughout the 1800s to the 1990s, Vampires were scary and violent. They were charming, but they were also hideous and bloodthirsty. The classic Vampire. The B-Movie Vampire. Vampires back then were feared (not seen as potential dating material or romantic partners.)

In the 2000's, that's seemed to changed through certain television shows and current novels. The genre changed. To me, Vampires became, well, wimpy.

I prefer, and miss, the classic, evil, bloody Vampire. So in my works, I focus on Vampires as brutal, disturbing, fearsome, vicious, violent, gory, terrifying, and seemingly invincible. Psychotic. Oh, and morally compromised. The type of Vampire you dread encountering (and definitely not someone you would think of bringing home to mom, unless of course, mom tastes good.)

There's nothing my Vampires won't do. They are demented, deadly, serial killers. They will commit horrid acts. There's slicing, dicing, slashing, stabbing, scenes of bondage, death, dismemberment, and destruction. My Vampires are truly meant for the horror, not romance or soap opera, category.

In short, they're badass. And be sure to listen to heavy metal or death metal in the background while reading the comic books. 'Cause it's a great combo of horror, brutal gore, and metal.

I want to be very afraid of Vampires again.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A More Disturbing Angel

In my comic books, I explore the more disturbing side of praying to a guardian angel. In my stories, there are people  who want to trust but so often end up too dependent on a higher power to help them with their problems. We believe that invoking entities can help us, without knowing what that entity really is. We are so programmed to nag, beg, and totally depend on something or someone else to rescue us and save us. We don’t question who, or what, it is we are praying to.

There’s the phrase "Be careful what you pray for." When you pray to any being, you really don't know who or what you are invoking. I’ve heard people say when they pray to a Guardian Angel that they’ll do anything for their help and guidance. People can become so desperate that they are willing to bargain with these unseen entities. So basically, you are telling an entity that you've never seen that you will do anything. It's an invitation to trouble.

So my Guardian Angels are very disturbing characters, probably one of the most disturbing angels you may read about. With the added twist of being a Vampire.

Be Careful Who You Pray To!

In my stories, Guardian Angels are disillusioned, angry, jealous and homicidal entities who have grown to resent humans and are tired of their "jobs". 

They are sick of listening to desperate prayers and choose to get rid of whining humans instead of helping them. Think of an entire customer service complaint department that goes ballistic because of nonstop complaints. 

Ever get so tired of someone coming to you constantly, asking for help, that to them you become some sort of savior/therapist? There are so many people who are praying to them, expecting them to rescue them from their troubles. So too many prayers can become overwhelming and with too many people crying out for help, guardian angels in my stories take matters into their own hands. 

They decide to do some mercy killing. They target those people in despair and end their lives for them. They can appear in human form or enter your mind and act helpful, sympathetic and charming to get into your head.

And they are Vampires. So not only do they get rid of you, they make a meal out of you too.

So be careful who you pray to!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Happy Happy Joy Joy Psychopathic Guardian Angels

What do my Guardian Angels really think of us humans and our prayers? (Stop right here if you think this is some inspirational article about sweet, protective and helpful Guardian Angels, because you're in for a shock. Because it's not. So for those brave enough, go ahead and read on.) :)

They're not too happy about it anymore. No joy or love or peacefully strumming damn harps in their world.

But isn't it their job to help us humans out, because some other supposedly almighty supernatural being ordered them to? (kinda says so in the Bible, I kinda sorta heard...)

In my comic book series, not anymore. Because in a nutshell, we drive them crazy.

So crazy in fact, they've mentally snapped.

So every time they hear a prayer to them begging for help, they go ballistic.

And they have become sick of answering the prayers of the despairing who pray to them. See, if you have one billion or more people on Earth (just go with me on this math), and almost all of them believe in and pray to Guardian Angels DAILY, and want them to solve major problems, help with a crisis, help end their suffering and pain, or save them from life's miseries, well, that's a goddamn lot of prayers to answer. Like they are some sort of supernatural 24/7 therapist/super hero/savior.

You would think that at some point they don't wanna keep up with this image anymore. 'Cause yeah, whiny, desperate, nagging, helpless humans constantly and non-stop praying to you about their problems can get really annoying at some point. Especially if they keep relying on Angels to save them from everything.

Is it any surprise that they've become disillusioned and angry with their jobs? (Like, Where's the "me" time?)

And even as they become Vampires, unfortunately, they're still Guardian Angels, and they still hear the prayers loud and clear, they can't just tune them out, and they are still programmed to respond. They can't seem to shake that part off yet.

So, the only thing a Vampire Guardian Angel-turned-psychopath can do is, well, shut those darn humans up. For good. So they can have some peace and quiet. And a bloody snack. Think "Serial Killer with black wings, fangs, and sharp swords that hunt you down the minute they hear your prayer to them. You're a target. And a meal. You're kinda like, well,  summoning them big time. You don't wanna do that.

So the moral of my comic book stories are....

A Guardian Angel is a supernatural, unseen being. So, do you really know who you're praying for help to? People shouldn't whine to a guardian angel because you don't really know what a guardian angel really is. You never know what's coming for you. It could be my very angry, and very hungry, Vampire Guardian Angels.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Move Along, No Romantic Vampires Here

Someone asked me the other day if my Vampires were "romantic and handsome".

Oh hell, no.

I proceeded to explain that they were, well, horrifying, bloody, and quite grotesque. And that you would not want to meet one in a dark alley, figuratively speaking.

Needless to say, she was very disappointed.

Well, she's not exactly my target audience.

If you're expecting a vampire love story with vampires as heroic, romantic figures, you've come to the wrong place.

And if you're looking for traditional vampires, I give you something completely different instead. Not the 1800s vampires, not the cloak-wearing vampires. And most definitely not the ...romantic ones.

No, they can't be killed by garlic, sunlight, stakes through the heart, or holy water. Holy water and crosses don't affect them 'cause, well, they are Guardian Angels. From Heaven. Still kinda holy. Sort of. Yeah.

These are not the vampires of legend and folklore stories. And they don't really like biting necks. They actually prefer to use swords and sharp weapons.

OK, so what are they?

Stay with me here. They are Guardian Angels. Yep, you know, the halo-wearing, white winged (well in this case, black winged), supposedly protective guardians of mankind? Um, not anymore.

Picture this: Guardian Angels go bad, become serial killers, basically kill humans who pray to them to shut them up (cause they don't wanna answer prayers anymore.)


Vampire bites Guardian Angel, Guardian Angel returns to Heaven, and, voila, turns all Guardian Angels into Vampires.

Still with me?

Let's move on. Human prays to Guardian Angel for help. Guardian Angel appears, except that he's a Vampire now.

Vampire Guardian Angel eats human.More like...disembowels. Eats...everything. Not just the blood. Think...disembowel....groovy.

Now that's much better. I prefer something disturbing. Brutal. Violent. Gory. Something that makes you cringe, especially when you pray.

Well, the catch here is, you gotta be desperate. Suicidal. Whiny. That's what attracts Vampire Guardian Angels. 'Cause they hate the begging for help. They really do.

Because they are, well, having issues. If you had to spend thousands of years playing therapist to human problems, I think a little R & R would be needed. But since God doesn't let Guardian Angels have vacations (or breaks), well, a psychopathic, sociopathic breakdown with a deep hatred of humans and calls for revenge for making them answer prayers is in order. Therapeutic for Angels. Bad for humans.

Oh, and the weapons they dispatch you with: swords and every type of exotic sharp weapon you can think of (google "Haladie dagger").

So if you're expecting Vampires that you can have a romance fantasy with, better leave the site. Unless of course, you start getting turned on by bloody gore. (Yes, grotesque can be pretty hot too, if you're into that.)

Oh, and don't pray. :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

A New Breed of Vampire

Do you believe in Guardian Angels? Do you pray for help to them?

Are you desperate? Suicidal? Want your problems to end?

Stop praying right now.

Because your very disillusioned Guardian Angel hates you. And they hate their job.

They've gone crazy trying to answer millions of prayers. They can't keep up.

You all expect to be saved, protected, watched over. And they are sick and tired of your prayers.

If you whine to one, they put you out of your misery. Because they've become serial killers.
But it gets even worse.

Your Guardian Angel is also a Vampire.

They kill you with sharp weapons instead of help you, so they don't have to answer your prayers anymore.

They target people in despair and use prayers as a homing device to find you, and feed on you.

They seduce, kill, lust for power, and exploit human weaknesses.

So do you really know who you're praying to?

Don't depend on a supernatural being to save you.

You don't know who you're summoning.

That's right. Your Guardian Angel is a Vampire.

Meet Lia Scott Price's fresh new twist on Guardian Angels: She's turned them into Vampires. Don't pray for help. That's how they find you. Because our whining drives them crazy. Even a Guardian angel has a darker side!

If you're tired of the same old Vampires, meet new Vampires with a disturbing twist: Guardian Angels are the new breed of Vampires.

Your everyday Guardian Angels are not the kind that help people anymore. Instead, they are Vampire Guardian Angels™ who only target and feed on people who pray for help to a Guardian Angel. Created by Horror Author Lia Scott Price, Vampire Guardian Angels use prayers as a "homing device" to target and feed on their victims.  They’re also not traditional Vampires that bite necks. They use sharp weapons, because slicing up a victim means less struggling and easier access to blood. They drink blood, but they also eat inner organs, like zombies do.

Because they are Guardian Angels, they  can’t be killed with the usual vampire-killing methods such as holy water, stakes through the heart, and crucifixes. They are a new and invincible Vampire breed. The only thing that can actually kill them is another Guardian, but there's a catch: That Guardian has to have turned back to good side.

Price challenges the image of Guardian Angels as good protectors. She turns them into disillusioned Angels that resent their protector roles. They go bad, become Vampires, and do very bad things that we think Guardian Angels should never do.

So stay safe. Don't summon them. Don't Pray in Vain.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

What the heck are Vampire Guardian Angels?

Vampire Guardian AngelsTM are the unique creation of Horror/Vampire Author and Film Producer Lia Scott Price. They are the brutal, bloody and disturbing characters in her Books and Films. The Vampire Guardian Angels Comic Book Series is the Comic Book version of her Vampire Trilogy Novel "The Guardian, Revenant, and Dominion". Her Guardian Angels are a new type of Serial Killer and a new breed of Vampire. Pray for help to one, you die. Because they are sick and tired of answering your prayers. So don't whine to a Guardian Angel. You don't know who you're really praying to. In short, they are Guardian Angels with Fangs, and "Issues".

-Can they be killed?: Holy water, crucifixes (they're "holy" beings, you know), stakes through the heart, or sunlight won't kill them, unfortunately.
-How do they attack humans?: They'll attack you only if you pray in despair to them. They prefer to slice you with sharp weapons and drink. Less struggling, less work. No need to bite necks.
-So what WILL kill them?: Only another Guardian who has turned "back to good". Something like that.
-Why Guardian Angels?: Why not? They could really be evil. And they really really hate us.
-How did Lia come up with her characters?: She challenges the popular belief that Guardian Angels are good protectors: "What if they aren't good? Why not turn them into something evil, like a Serial Killer, and a Vampire?"

Welcome to her world.

Copyright Lia Scott Price

Sunday, April 1, 2012

About The Vampire Guardian Angels Comic Book Series

Lia Scott Price's Vampire Guardian AngelsTM is a creator-owned comic book series written and created by Horror Author Lia Scott Price. In the series, Guardian Angels from Heaven have become Vampires who kill people who pray for help to them, and both humans and “good” angels have to work to stop them.

Read about the Comic Book Series