Saturday, June 6, 2015

Lia Scott Price Photos by Jeff E Photo

Lia Scott Price, Author 
Vampire Guardian Angels Comic Book Series 
Photo by Jeff E Photo 
Makeup by Joan Murray 

 Many thanks to the amazing Jeff E Photo for the awesome pics and to Joan Murray for the great makeup! You guys rock!

New photos coming soon!

Comic Book Series Fan Posts Part 59

A very special thank you to all my wonderful friends and fans, I'm truly honored to receive your feedback, posts, responses and shares on the comic book series and I am grateful for everyone's support! Thanks again! You all rock!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Writing as my Therapy

There has been a LOT of turmoil and challenges in my life that I have managed to overcome due to one thing: Writing.  (and I’m amazed that I did because some experiences were…damn. So glad I have a dark sense of humor.)

1. Writing has kept me sane. And I think my type A “let’s -get-things-done” personality has also gotten me through a ton of stuff because it’s given me a sort of guide and roadmap and grounded me.

2. I channel a lot into my writing and harness that creative energy. So I really do invest a lot of myself into my works. I build a fantasy world of my own that gets me through reality.

3. It’s a great way to cope, especially since other parts of my personal life have proven to be, well, extremely unfulfilling, but I always have writing and creative work to look forward to, to get me through. :)

4. Stay positive!

5. I write my goals and plans down as a guide to my life.

6. I keep a journal and see what is positive and what is working and what is negative and what I must let go of.

7. I have learned not to listen to negative people. My biggest question is what are THEY doing with their life? If it's nothing, then these detractors' opinions DO NOT COUNT. You don't want to regret a missed opportunity or not doing what you love because of a detractor. And they are left happy and you are left miserable.

8. You will, in time, find out who your supporters are. Surround yourself with them.

Monday, June 1, 2015

What's that Mysterious Necklace?

I'm introducing a brand new character on Issue 5, my new Vampire Guardian Angel, badass Prince Jeromos. More about him in the next upcoming issue, and you can also read the synopsis here.

Anyway, he's wearing a "mystery necklace" which is introduced in this issue, and will be more prominent in Issue 6 .

More Sneak Peeks of Issue 5's Bloody Pages Part 9

And the last 4 pages we were waiting on (some still needed to be colored)

The pages still need dialogue boxes and text, so we are working on the this week.

Chad also added this "mystery" necklace to my new character "Prince Jeromos". Although it is introduced only once in Comic Book Issue 5, the meaning of the necklace will be revealed in Comic Book Issue 6 (still in production stages), or you can read the synopsis for comic book 6.

And now...a sneak peek at the cameos of my metal friends (Metal Invictus crew, and the band members of Sacred Ruins).