Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Q and A about Vampire Guardian Angels Part 2

It’s the Halloween season, and for all you Vampire fans out there, here are some questions about my Vampire Guardian Angels that I’ve been asked recently.

Q. Is there romance in your comic book?
A. Yes, but with more of an undertone of erotic/bondage (the original vampire trilogy novel the comic books are based on contain erotic and bondage material that are only hinted at in the comic book series) and as a background to the story and sometimes used to explain the background of the characters (just as, say, a character would have a family or a previous life). It is not the main focus of the stories. The characters have love interests just like everyone else, but with no happy endings. This is NOT a romantic vampire story where the characters live happily ever after. The “love” aspect is the scream horror formula (all horror movies have a love interest in the plot somewhere), just like in any script formula, (racy scenes, action, love interest, character motivations), and sometimes as a reason for a character’s actions.  It’s also meant to make the characters relatable and show that Guardian Angels (having been locked up in Heaven for centuries) are just as capable of human emotions such as anger, annoyance, love, hate, desire. Once free of their “enslavement” to humans and coming to Earth with free reign, all bets are off—they can drink, gamble, kill, and do things that you would not expect a Guardian Angel to do—anything they want. The only difference with the love interests is that most of the heroines or “love interests” do get killed, which leads to how a character will act, sometimes predictably, sometimes unpredictably.

Q. Are there good characters and bad characters?
A. It’s not set in stone. A character could start out good but certain circumstances could cause them to become “bad”, and then back to good again. It’s never clear-cut. You don’t know when a character will turn good or bad. Or what they will do next. I make the characters conflicted. They started out as good and holy angels and began turning into vampires with human vices. For instance, when these angels kill, they think “I’m not supposed to be doing this…..but I like it.” So they transform from good to bad, but then guilt can set in and they go back to good, but then they want to be bad again. It all depends on circumstance.

Q. Why did you choose to write about Vampires?
A. It’s my favorite monster. And when I wrote my first serial killer book I wanted to eventually incorporate vampires into the stories. After completing the first story where I turned Guardian Angels into serial killers, I wondered what to do with them next, and the aha! moment was to turn them into vampires. I’ve always seen vampires as vicious, terrifying bloodthirsty monsters to be feared, and merging them with what was seen as a “good” supernatural being and turning them even more evil and horrific and creating a brand new breed of vampire was exciting. It was one of the ultimate monsters, and the psychological effect of merging holy(angels) and evil (vampires), and creating a really disturbing monster, was even better. Vampires were perfect for that. And of course, I wanted my comic books to be a homage to the classic evil bloody B-movie vampire.

Q. How would you describe the art and style in your comic book?
A. It’s a horror story with the classic, monstrous vampire in a black, white and red film-noir style with an X-files and Twilight Zone influence.

Q. How do you come up with the stories for your sequels to the comic books?
A.  Mainly from my own dreams and nightmares. The ideas and inspiration will just hit when I least expect it, like when I’m washing dishes or at any time. Which is why I have to have something to write on just in case. I’ve written an entire comic book in one sitting from just one thing that inspired me.

Q. A Vampire is undead. So are your Vampire Guardian Angels undead?
A. They are just as undead as a Vampire, because they are Vampires.
-Vampires are undead, and are immortal. I’m not sure if they can resurrect once they are killed though.
-Guardian Angels are made when a male human dies and their soul ascends to Heaven, where they resurrect as Guardian Angels. I’m not sure if a regular Guardian Angel dies, but they are just as immortal as a Vampire.
-When a Guardian Angel becomes a Vampire, it’s like they become “double-immortal”. The difference is, I guess, is that when a Vampire Guardian Angel “dies”, they can be resurrected as long as they can get back to Heaven. A wounded or dying Vampire Guardian Angel can be healed (that will be revealed in comic book issue 6).

Q. Can Vampire Guardian Angels see their reflections in the mirror?
A.  Short answer: Yes.

Q. Can Vampire Guardian Angels drink?
A. Hell yes. They get quite drunk too.

Q. What Issues to you appear in?
A. I appear as a character in Issues 3, 5 and 6. My character is also drawn on the cover of Issue 3.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Lia Scott Price makes Vampires Scary Again

Media Contact:
Lia Scott Price

Comic Book Author Lia Scott Price makes Vampires Scary Again

October 2014, Torrance CA. Torrance-based writer Lia Scott Price’s goal is to make vampires creepy and scary again. Especially for the coming Halloween season.

Out of nostalgia for when vampires were frightening and fearsome, Price created a comic book series, “Vampire Guardian Angels” featuring a classic vampire appealing to aficionados who associate the image of vampires with horror, not love stories filled with teen angst ridden drama (and who don’t sparkle).

“Nowadays people think vampires are wimpy, sullen characters.” says Price. “I wanted to bring back an interest in the bloodthirsty vampire that brought fear to the genre, and to introduce a vampire that you can be afraid of again.”

As a new comic book creator and writer in vampire genre, Price had to stand out, so she took the vampire genre one step further with new and unique characters, a refreshingly original storyline, and a disturbing twist.  Her  Vampire Guardian Angels are a “new breed”, a brutal hybrid of an everyday guardian angel and a serial-killing vampire who can only target and feed off people who pray to guardian angels for help, “because you never know what it is you’re summoning. It could be a vampire.” says Price.

The vampire action thriller comic book series will be exhibited in Artist Alley at Stan Lee’s Comikaze 2014 at the Los Angeles Convention Center on Halloween, October 31st through November 2, 2014.

Vampire Guardian Angels is written and published by Lia Scott Price, and features art by artists Andrew Setter and Chad Hammontree.

Comic Book web site:

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Trivia about the Comic Book Series, Part 1

The comic book series started after the artists were first commissioned in 2011. Issues 1 and 2 were published in 2012, Issue 3 in 2013, and issue 4 in 2014. 

How old is the comic book series? As of 2014, it is at least 2 years old, and more issues are set to be published.

This is the first comic book project for Creator/Writer Lia Scott Price, Artist Andrew Setter, and Colorist Chad Hammontree. 

Creator Lia Scott Price met artist Andrew Setter online on a site called Andrew brought in his friend Chad Hammontree to be the colorist for the series.

There are two artists working on the comic book series: Andrew is the former illustrator (drawing and inking- Issues 1-5) and Chad is the colorist/letterer, graphic designer and art director.

Future issues will be drawn by Lia Scott Price.

Lia Scott Price exhibited the comic books for the first time at Stan Lee’s Comikaze 2013, and they were sold out by the second day of the event. The comic books have sold out again at Comikaze 2014 and in 2015.

The artists worked on and completed the first 2 issues while they were still in college. They finished 2 issues within a year. Later issues now take at least a year to complete since they graduated.

Currently, it takes a year to complete an issue, from planning and production to publication (due to the independent nature of the creative team, who also juggle full-time day jobs). The artists do their own inking by hand, but coloring is done digitally. (As of 2015, Andrew Setter's last issue was Issue 5).

Vampire Guardian Angels is done in black, white and red film noir style with full color covers.

Local metal bands are featured and have cameos in the comic books.

Writer Lia Scott Price first writes her comic books in script format, and the artists storyboard the panels. Price also gives ideas and direction on the covers, and the artists interpret and draw the covers.  

After 3 issues and a year and a half of working together via text, phone, email and online file-sharing, the artists and the creator finally met in person when Price flew them over for Stan Lee’s Comikaze 2013. The artists Andrew Setter and Chad Hammontree  live in Missouri and Lia Scott Price lives in Los Angeles, CA.

The comic books are based on Price’s existing Vampire Trilogy Novel “The Guardian, Revenant, and Dominion”.  Issues 1-3 are condensed versions of the novel, and issues 4, 5 are sequels in comic book format. Future issues will all be in comic book format.

Artist Andrew Setter's artistic influences are the film noir art of Frank Miller (Sin City), and comic book artist Marc Silvestri (DC Comics, Top Cow Productions). 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Have you heard of Vampire Guardian Angels?

One of the most metal of vampires and angels: this serial killer Vampire Guardian Angel hybrid will hunt you down through your whiny prayers, slice you up, brutally tear you apart and feast on your bloody dripping carcass. Hell no they don’t sparkle, but they do “shred” (bodies). \m/

Gabriel, Camael, Gregory, Janos. They are very angry Guardian Angels who are sick of listening to human whining (as in desperate prayers), and of helping and saving humans. So one day, a Vampire invades Heaven….and turns them all into….Vampires. And they are very nasty…and hungry.

They’ve become "Vampire Guardian AngelsTM", a new breed of psychotic Angel and Vampire, almost invincible, very dangerous. And they are loving it. They can now shut humans up…and eat them as well. If you're into scary Vampires, prepare to meet a unique, nightmarish breed and hybrid of Vampire and Angel. Horror Author Lia Scott Price turns your Guardian Angel into a vicious, brutal, and bloody Vampire. And not just any Vampire. They are also Serial Killers. But they’re kind of limited though in who they can target. You have to pray in despair to a Guardian Angel. And because they’re still Angels and HAVE to respond prayers, these Vampires use prayers as a “beacon”, meaning they can only target and feed off people call to them. That’s how they find you. So if you don’t summon one, you’re safe…for now.

Do you really know who you’re praying to? Meet them in the “Vampire Guardian AngelsTM” Comic Book Series. The series is created and written by Lia Scott Price, drawn by Andrew Setter, and colored by Chad Hammontree.

Sound bizarre? Disturbing? Well, Vampires and Serial Killers always are. Dare to meet them?

You can find the link to the comic book series at

Links to Buy Comic Book Series here

And here’s a handy Guide to Vampire Guardian Angels. You may need it someday.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

A Guide to Vampire Guardian Angels

Lia Scott Price's
Vampire Guardian AngelsTM

Be careful who you pray to. You might become their prey. Do you really know who you're praying to?   It could be...a Vampire.

Meet the New Breed of Disturbing Vampire. 
Don't Pray.

Is this a “Religious Comic Book"?
Vampire Guardian Angels is NOT a “religious comic book”. It is a vampire series. It’s a horror-action comic book. These are not loving, helpful Angels. They are one of the most metal of vampires and angels: this serial killer Vampire Guardian Angel hybrid will hunt you down through your whiny prayers, slice you up, brutally tear you apart and feast on your bloody dripping carcass. Hell no they don’t sparkle, but they do “shred” (bodies). \m/

Is this a romantic love story?
Sorry to disappoint, but, no. Sure, there are couples and lovers in this series, but in general it's not the focus.  These are horrifying, bloody, and quite grotesque Vampires who are not tender lovers. If you're expecting a vampire love story with vampires as heroic, romantic figures, you've come to the wrong place. They'd rather eat you than love you. It's a pretty brutal series. (The original novel it was based off of is even more disturbing. It's got some erotic and bondage elements, but the Vampire Guardian Angels do some pretty brutal things.)

What are Vampire Guardian Angels?
Vampire Guardian Angels are Guardian Angels who were bitten by Vampires. They are a cross-breed, a hybrid. They are a Vampire that is very unique, something no one has ever seen before, and one that was a serial killer as well.

Would that make them a new breed of Vampire?
Yes, an entirely new breed, almost invincible and indestructible, but stronger, more vicious, merciless, brutal and terrifying. Horrifically evil and merciless. They are new vampires that are also holy entities: a cross breed/hybrid between Guardian Angel and Vampire.

Are they both male and female?
They are only male Vampire Guardian Angels.

Are there Female Vampires in the stories?
Yes there are, but they are only "Earth" Vampires. They can either be humans turned into vampires, royalty, or ancient vampires.

Who are the Main Characters?
See this character list.

How do they kill people?
They are Serial Killers. They can only target people who pray specifically to their Guardian Angel. They can’t just kill anyone whenever they want. They have to be “summoned”.  Guardian Angels  also have to become Vampires in order to harm or kill people. If they were just regular Guardian Angels, they have to use mind control to make people hurt themselves.

What happens if I pray for help to a Guardian Angel?
You attract a Guardian Angel who has turned into a Vampire. Human prayers of despair act as a “beacon” to help Vampire Guardian Angels find their victims.

What kind of prayers attract them?
The prayers to them MUST be desperate, whining and begging for help.

What if I pray but it’s not a prayer of despair?
They cannot target positive prayers or prayers of thanks.

How do I avoid one?
Don’t pray, whine or beg your Guardian Angel to save you.

In the comics, they are seen consuming body parts.
Yes, they drink blood, and they can consume human flesh. Vampire Guardian Angels have a more zombie-like appetite. They are not limited to blood. They can live off bodily fluids.

How do you kill one?
They are almost invincible. To kill a Vampire Guardian Angel, only another Guardian Angel who has turned back to good from evil can kill one of their own. They can only be killed with the sword or weapon of a good Guardian Angel. But the characters are not always good, and not always evil. They can become either at any point in the stories. You never know who will turn good or bad or back to good. Only an angel who stays good, or who has turned back to good, can kill an evil one. But they may not always do that. It's tricky because of the temptation towards power and freedom from having to protect and watch over humans, and finally having their own free will, and getting to do whatever they want. Even the "good" ones may be evil. They could go either way---good or evil---and you'd have to convince one to kill the other. The series keeps you guessing. You have to figure out which one ends up being the good one. And just when you think the good one prevails, evil may just keep coming back. Or the good one turns evil. Or  the evil one relents. Who knows?

Can I use holy water or other methods that are traditionally used to kill Vampires?
No. Vampire Guardian Angels cannot be killed by sunlight, holy water, crucifixes, or stakes through the heart. (they are Angels, so nothing “holy” can kill them). They can be repelled with a little holy water--it stings their faces--it will only give you time to run away though. But you have to run fast before they find you.

Do they heal?
If injured, they can be kept alive by certain religious reliquaries and relics. The blood of their original “Creator” (which is revealed in the stories) can fully heal and regenerate any injured, dying, or burned Vampire Guardian Angel without the need for relics or reliquaries. They can also be healed with the blood of ancient saints--which is why they seek out holy relics and reliquaries kept by the Catholic Churches. They are also healed by the "Incorruptible bodies" of preserved saints, who are actually ancient Vampires in disguise who were concealed by the Church.

Where do they hide here on Earth?
They hide in Churches and Cemeteries where there are life-sized angel statues. You need to look closely to see the fangs, or if the statue is breathing. They also like ancient castles, cathedrals and even dark secluded warehouses. Or they live anywhere and everywhere, you never know when they show up unless you pray in despair to one.

What happens to them when they die?
When they die, they turn into balls of light that ascend back to Heaven.

Can they resurrect?
They can resurrect in Heaven, or with the aid of reliquaries, or the blood of their "Creator".

In the comic books, what is a portal?
These balls of light leave a trail of light called a “portal”. The portal is needed for ascension and descent between Heaven and Earth.

Why do Vampire Guardian Angels need a portal?
Since they are still Angels, can’t they just ascend to Heaven? There is an astral plane that divides Earth and Heaven and separates good and evil. The astral plane will not let evil pass into Heaven. But anything good or evil can travel through a portal of light.

What happens if they do not use the portal?
If Vampire Guardian Angels do not use this portal, they will burn to death.

Can anything stop Vampire Guardian Angels from ascending?
All Vampire Angels have mind control and hypnosis abilities. The strongest ones can block the ascension of Angels.

Do Vampire Guardian Angels have to die to use the portal?
No. A living Vampire Guardian Angel can use the portal of a dead angel to travel between Heaven and Earth. The more Vampire Guardian Angels are killed, the more portals are created.

What happens to Angels who die and don’t ascend?
Angels who die only have a few minutes to ascend, and if stopped, they disintegrate and die on Earth.

What happens to humans who are victims of Vampire Guardian Angels?
Vampire Guardian Angels can kill humans for food, or they can make humans into vampires. They can also order Earth Vampires to turn humans into vampires. If a human dies and goes up to Heaven,  the male souls are either resurrected as Vampire Guardian Angels, or "recycled" as food, and  the weak and old are also used as food. The females are bred or used as food.

Can Vampire Guardian Angels use ascending human souls to get back to heaven?
No, humans can’t create a portal, and their “light” is not "holy/celestial" or strong enough. Otherwise, Vampire Guardian Angels would be killing humans to get back Heaven.

Will there be a Vampire Guardian Angel Apocalypse?
If they take over Earth and humans, there very well will be.

Were there Vampire Guardian Angels in the Bible?
In the stories, Vampire Guardian Angels existed in the Bible, their existence hidden by the Church who called them “Angels”. The Inquisition fed “sinners” to these “Angels” to get rid of the “heretics”.

What is the hierarchy of Vampire Guardian Angels?
Vampire Guardian Angels can only be led by a leader of royal blood or ancestry. (But they can take any human or Vampire female as their “Queen) who does not have to have royal blood and create a royal heir. If there is no royal offspring, they can choose someone who is not related to them, but he has to be of royal blood as well. The leader has a right-hand soldier, and an army of Vampire Guardian Angels. All Angels are either trained fighters or have special powers such as telepathy, mind control etc. But only royal offspring can lead them, or someone who proves they are more powerful than a current leader.

Are they afraid of anything?
There is one Angel called “The Killer of Angels” who has the “Power of Light”. This power can burn an Angel on the spot and send them back to Heaven. All Angels fear him.

What do they want?
Vampire Guardian Angels want to take over Earth because they are tired of serving humans and they instead want to enslave humans. In the stories, humans are also bred for food. Vampire Guardian Angels also want to enslave Earth Vampires and make them work for them, in return for providing humans to them as food.

Can they eat other Vampires?
Vampire Guardian Angels can eat “Earth Vampires”.

Can Earth Vampires kill them?
Earth Vampires are not strong enough. Vampire Guardian Angels are almost invincible and can only be killed by one of their own, or by a sword with the blood of a good angel. But the bearer must also be “good”.

In the stories, what is the "Plague"?
It is a deadly virus that kills both Earth Vampires and Vampire Guardian Angels. If they drink the blood of an infected human or vampire, they dissolve completely into a pool of blood, and ascend as a ball of light, creating a portal. The plague was unleashed on Earth for this purpose by those who wanted power and to take over the current leadership.

Can Vampire Guardian Angels breed?
Vampire Guardian Angels can breed with human women and female Earth Vampires. The male offspring are used in two ways: to be raised and trained as soldiers or designated as food, and the females are also used for food or as future breeders to increase their numbers since there are no female Vampire Guardian Angels. Any royal offspring from any Vampire Guardian Angels are automatically heirs. Vampire Guardian Angels cannibalize their own-- both male, female and even any Vampire offspring right out of the womb, sorted and thrown to be fed to both Vampire Guardian Angels and Vampires not affected by the plague.

Do all Vampire Guardian Angels have weapons?
It’s quite common for angels to carry swords, but they love a variety of exotic weapons (such as the Haladie dagger). The main reason behind this was not just for protecting themselves, but because they wanted to deviate from the traditional biting of the neck, only because they found biting necks too much work (too much struggling), so using a sharp weapon to just slice off a body part or cut open an artery and wait for the victim to become weak and bleed makes it more convenient to feed off of is their preference.

Why did Guardian Angels turn bad?
Before they were bitten by Vampires, Guardian Angels were already angry, disillusioned Serial Killers who answered desperate people’s prayers by killing them instead of helping them. They were sick and tired of human begging and whining and hated their “jobs” of protecting humans.

Why did Guardian Angels originally become Serial Killers?
They kill the humans they are supposed to protect because they want to stop the prayers and shut people up for good so they wouldn’t have to answer prayers anymore. They want to put them out of their misery so they don't have to hear the human whining and begging. But they couldn't just kill any human. It had to be a very specific victim. They are still guardian angels, so they have to respond to prayers. It's in their nature, what they were created for. It's like their "beacon", and it drives them crazy.  They cannot touch or target a human unless they prayed specifically to a guardian angel, and that human must be a "believer". And it has to be a very desperate prayer because that's what they listen for. They have to be summoned. But they won't target you if it's say, a joyful or thankful prayer. Now that they have become Vampires, the prayers are now also their call to dinner.  To these Serial Killer Guardian Angels, humans are just mindless, cult-like, religion-obsessed fanatics who rely on a higher power to save them and who constantly nag supernatural entities for help. So it's a bonus if, as vampires, they get to feed off the "whiners" too.

Why didn’t Guardian Angels fight back against the Vampires that bit them?
Vampire Guardian Angels think that becoming a Vampire was the best thing that ever happened to them. They willingly become Vampires because they become more powerful and this power frees them from being obligated to protect and help humans. As Vampire Guardian Angels, they can shut people up for good, and eat them as well.

Is there a difference between the original Vampire trilogy novel and the comic books?
In the original novel, Guardian Angels can make the choice of whether they want to become Vampires or not. They can choose not too. (In Comic Book 3, the character Zeke is a Vampire, while in the original novel, he is not).

Are all the Comic Books based on the Trilogy novel?
The first 3 comic books were based on Lia Scott Price's original Vampire trilogy novel. The sequels to the stories (comic books 4, 5, 6 etc.) are continued in comic book format. (Warning, this novel contains erotic and bondage material, over 18 only. But the comic books series does not contain any of erotic material.)

What inspired the Comic Book Series?
The author is an atheist and “Recovering Catholic”. It was written to bring back a more vicious, disturbing, bloody and brutal vampire. It also questions “what if” Guardian Angels were Vampires. The series questions why we always rely on a higher power to save us, and why we never question who or what it is we pray to, and what if it was another evil, supernatural being.

Do the comic books in the series have titles?
Yes, just like "episode" titles.
The comic books can be found here

What makes this Comic Book Series so terrifying?
You never imagined your Guardian Angel could become a killer. When you think you're calling for help to something that will help you, like your own Guardian Angel, you may just be calling for something that hates you--and will make a meal out of you. It's a terrifying concept. It may turn people off, but then it makes them think... "who am I really asking for help from?" But that's what a vampire is supposed to be: disturbing, nightmarish, and scary, maybe even the definition of a truly evil Vampire, something that comes in the form of something holy but does something so horrific.

So remember: Don't Pray to your Guardian Angel. You never know who, or what, answers.

Friday, May 9, 2014

About Lia Scott Price and Her Vampire Guardian Angels

My name is Lia Scott Price. I'm a horror author and  comic book creator/writer.

I'm the creator of Vampire Guardian Angels™. They are my unique characters from my vampire comic book series, also called "Vampire Guardian Angels™ ".

In my comic book series, Guardian Angels are a new breed of brutal, bloody, disturbing, vicious and seemingly invincible Vampire.

What makes them different and unique are two things: They are serial killers who can only target those who summon them through prayers of despair, and they cannot respond to "happy or thankful" prayers. You have to specifically summon or call to them for help, and you have to be in dire need. That's what attracts them, and that's how they find their food---basically, humans.

The second is that they are basically invincible.  They cannot be killed by traditional means such as sunlight, holy water or crucifixes because they are already "holy" in origin. The only thing that kills them...well, you have to read the comic book series.

So do you really know who you're praying to? Because we really don't know  what a guardian angel really is. I'm exploring an alternate side to them. My works are meant to question people's belief in a supernatural, supposedly higher power and why we rely so much on some unseen being to save us. What if it really was evil, like an evil vampire. Horror is about stretching the imagination, and this is what I do in my comic books.

In my comic book series, even the Guardian Angels question their image as protectors of mankind, and rebel against their "job". They have become evil vampires  so they don't have to deal with human whining and begging and so they can stop being therapists. As an added bonus, they can feed on humans.

As a horror writer, it’s my job to screw things up a bit, such as making the image of a guardian angel more disturbing.  My goal is also to bring back the more bloodthirsty, violent, and gory Vampire, the classic evil, scary vampire. I want people to be afraid of vampires again. And I hope I've done that.

You can find the link for my comic book series on

Lia's Quotes

"When writing fiction, play a 'What-if' game. Turn the ordinary into something disturbing."

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Guardian Angel Statues Creep Me Out

Meet the Guardian Angel statue I used in my Vampire Guardian Angel films before I wrote the comic book series. I found her among my film props when I was cleaning the house. Time to bring her out again....for "inspiration".

When I first bought her I was so creeped out by her, especially by her eyes that seemed to follow me around. I hid her in a closet wrapped in a pillowcase for a couple of weeks and slept with all the lights on.

This is what inspires me in writing my comic books, statues like these. Enjoy the creepiness.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

How do I come up with my Stories and Characters?

I get these questions a lot so I'll try to explain it as best I can in this post. :)

For the first three comic issues, it was easy since I was turning my already existing novel into comic book format. So it was just a matter of migrating the characters and select scenes and condensing the stories into 24 plus pages each.

It was a little bit more of a challenge with coming up with the sequels. Since I had decided that the sequels were no longer going to be in novel format, I needed to continue the stories on in comic book format, thinking up new plots, scenarios, developing and expanding characters, creating new characters, and find a new and unexpected direction the story should take. The more strange and bizarre, the better.

No set formula, just inspiration:
The best way I can sum it up is this: An idea just hits me, and I go with it. I rely a lot on feeling, atmosphere, even what I eat or drink or the music I happen to be listening to. It may come one year and last for weeks, it may just last one day. Each year that the comic book was written, I look back and I can tell what inspired me.

My first inspiration: In the novel, stories 1 and 2 were were inspired by my being a "recovering Catholic" and questioning some aspects of why we believe in saviors. After I had written those, I needed to come up with story 3, which was inspired by.....

....My next stories were from what comes up in my dreams. Yep, dreams. Story 3 was the result of a bizarre dream I had.

And comic issues 5 and 6 were the product of some very bizarre dreams involving ancient Vampires, Catholic reliquaries and the "incorruptible bodies" of Saints.  And then I started listening to more black metal music. And all these came together in a week of strange dreams. Well, you can see how my imagination started to run wild.

But not all Issues are inspired by Dreams. It's unpredictable.

Take for example, Issue 4, which was more of a character expansion, as in what had happened to a character's son or father and to develop them more. But there was still the challenge of what direction I wanted to take the character to. And it's still developing.

And more issues have yet to be written, so who knows what will inspire those?

So in short, there will be days when I don't "feel" anything, or find no inspiration, and then there are weeks when I get so inspired that I can write the entire story line in a week and keep going, thinking up new scenarios and plot lines, what's next  for my characters, and create new characters.

There is no magic formula. It's just inspiration that's needed. :)

Please read my writing and self-publishing disclaimer here

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Some Trivia Behind the Locations in the Comic Book

The main locations in my comic book series are mainly places that I have lived in: Los Angeles, and Torrance, CA. But one of the cities (the location for comic book issue 2) is Brooklyn, NY. I was always fascinated with the Brooklyn and have visited the city and was inspired by many of the settings used in the story. It turns out that my German great-great grandfather's first wife, whose parents immigrated from Germany to the US, was born in Brooklyn. So hence my historical fascination with the city.

More on my family history here

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Basis for Characters

I get asked a lot of questions on whether I base my characters on real people. It's a mix of what I observe in real life (how an actor looks in an action film etc) and what my artists interpret my characters to look like. I basically just give my artists a description of hair color, body build, outfits, etc. and they go from there. It's just depends on the interpretation. But the point is, they have to look badass.

There are some real-life people in the comic book. Myself, for instance, as the "author" character, and my friends and their band logos. My artists asked me what I wanted some of the characters from the script to look like (example, the background characters such as vampires who fight a main character etc) and I decided to have my friend's images in the comic book, for fun, so they get to be characters in a scene, and to help promote their bands too.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Terrifying New Serial Killer

My goal is to create a high-quality, masterfully illustrated, underground comic book outside of the mainstream, and create and feature something original about vampires. I didn't want to follow the typical Vampire norm. I wanted to create a Vampire that was very unique, something no one has ever seen before, and one that was a serial killer as well.

My comic book series has an entirely different vampire storyline. They are new, vampires that are also holy entities: a cross breed between Guardian Angel and Vampire. But they kill very specific victims.  Their way of serial killing is limited: you have to pray to one for help for them to target you. And when they do find you, you meet your end in a very bloody way. Their purpose is to fuck with you and toy with you out of sheer hatred-- and hunger, and to shut you up because they are rebelling against their role of answering prayers and protecting humans. So they have specific motives and specific victims--and that's what makes them so fascinating.

To these serial killers, humans are just mindless, cult-like, religion-obsessed fanatics who rely on a higher power to save them and who constantly nag supernatural entities for help. These entities, the Guardian Angels, feel enslaved, and once they become Vampires, make it their mission to wipe out the human race. But they are limited and constrained on how they can do so, because they are can only target "believers". This is because human prayers act as a "beacon". It's like they want to rid themselves of the "human voices in their heads", so they start by targeting those people who were the source of the prayers. (So if you don't pray--or whine to them---you're safe---for now.)

So when you think you're calling for help to something that will help you, like your own Guardian Angel, you may just be calling for something that hates you--and will make a meal out of you. Never thought of that, did you?

And that, is what makes my Vampires so terrifying.

Copyright Lia Scott Price

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Q and A about Vampire Guardian Angels Part 1

Vampire Guardian AngelsTM FAQ

What are they?
They are Guardian Angels that became Vampires.

Why Guardian Angels?
-Because you don't really know what they are. They could really be evil.
-They have issues--they hate their jobs, and us.

Who created them?
Horror Author Lia Scott Price.

Who wrote the comic book series?
Horror Author Lia Scott Price. It's based on her Vampire Trilogy novel "The Guardian, Revenant, and Dominion".

Who are the artists?
Andrew Setter (Illustrator), and Chad Hammontree (Colorist/Letterer/Graphic Artist, and Art Director).

What is the series about?
Guardian Angels that have become vampires and who want to enslave humans.

How did Lia come up with her characters?:
She challenges the popular belief that Guardian Angels are good protectors: What if they aren't good? Why not turn them into something evil, like a Serial Killer, and a Vampire?

How are they different?
-Sunlight, holy water, crosses--no effect (They're still holy entities).
-They are almost invincible.
-They are also Serial Killers--they can only target certain victims.
-They prefer to slice you with sharp weapons and drink. Less struggling, less work. No need to bite necks.

How do they target humans?
You have to pray to, or summon them, for help. They only target people when they hear prayers of whining and begging to them. They'll attack you only if you pray in despair to them. (Besides eating you, they want to shut you up.)

How do I avoid one?
Don't pray to one in vain. You can repel them with holy water. It stings them a little. But you better get away fast.

How do I kill one?
-They can only be killed by a "good angel" or one of their own who had become "good" again. 
-However, the blood of holy relics heals them if they can get to the relics in time.

Where can I get the comic books? What's the web site?

Get the comic book series here: Lia Scott Price's Vampire Guardian Angels Comic Book Series

Copyright Lia Scott Price

Friday, September 20, 2013

How to Avoid a Vampire Guardian Angel

1. Don't whine to one.
2. Don't pray for help or in despair to one.
3. Avoid begging for help to an Angel statue ('cause that's how these Vampires hide).
4. Don't ask for an end to your suffering.

Because this is how they find you.
Your despair is their beacon.
They are programmed to answer your prayers.
But they hate your whining.
They want to shut you up.
And you may end up being dinner.

Copyright Lia Scott Price

How Do You Kill A Vampire Guardian Angel?

I decided to give my characters some redeeming qualities, the classic good vs evil. So in my stories, only an angel who stays good, or who has turned back to good, can kill an evil one. But they may not always do's tricky because of the temptation towards power and freedom from having to protect and watch over humans, and finally having their own free will, and getting to do whatever they want. 

They could go either way---good or evil---and you'd have to convince one to kill the other.

They can be repelled with a little holy water--it stings their faces--it will only give you time to run away though. But you have to run fast before they find you.

They can also be healed with the blood of ancient saints--which is why they seek out holy relics and reliquaries kept by the Catholic Churches. They are also healed by the "Incorruptible bodies" of preserved saints, who are actually ancient Vampires in disguise who were concealed by the Church.

That, I think, is what makes this series so challenging to write. The audience has to figure out which one ends up being the good one. And just when you think the good one prevails, evil may just keep coming back. Or the good one turns evil. Or I may make the evil one relent. Do they ever die? Who knows? That's the fun part about writing this series---I want to keep the audience guessing.

Copyright Lia Scott Price

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How do my Vampire Characters differ from the Classic or Mainstream Images of Vampires?

I wanted to stay true to the classic vicious, brutal vampire image as being something to be feared, but I also wanted to add a twist, something that would make my vampires even more disturbing. Here’s what makes them a little different:

1. I wanted my vampires to be (almost) invincible, something that would be so difficult to kill by any traditional means. My Vampires can’t be killed with holy water or crosses. It may sting them a little, but won't destroy them. And neither will traditional stakes through the heart.

2. I also gave my vampires a more zombie-like appetite. They are not limited to blood. They can live off bodily fluids.

 3. It’s quite common for angels to carry swords, but I also gave them a variety of exotic weapons. The main reason behind this was not just for protecting themselves, but because I wanted them to deviate from the traditional biting of the neck, only because they found biting necks too much work (too much struggling), so using a sharp weapon to just slice off a body part to make it more convenient to feed is their preference.

4. I also made them serial killers. But they couldn't just kill any human. It had to be a very specific victim. They are still guardian angels, so they have to respond to prayers. It's in their nature, what they were created for. It's like their "beacon", and it drives them crazy. But it’s also their call to dinner. My vampires cannot touch or target a human unless they prayed specifically to a guardian angel. And it has to be a very desperate prayer because that's what they listen for. They have to be summoned. But they won't target you if it's say, a joyful or thankful prayer. They live off the despair of others, because they want to shut humans up and put them out of their misery so they don't have to hear the whining and begging anymore, and so they don’t have to answer prayers (because they really hate their jobs).

5. They can breed with human women. In fact, that is one of their goals, to increase their numbers, and take over humans.

6. They can turn into life-sized angel statues and hide in churches and cemeteries.

7. They use angel statues as a “homing device”. If you pray to an angel statue, big or small, they can hear you. But it has to be a prayer of despair. See item #4.

It's a terrifying concept. It may turn people off, but then it makes them think... "who am I really asking for help from?" But that's what a vampire is supposed to be: disturbing, nightmarish, and scary. I would like to think that this would be a definition of a truly evil Vampire, something that comes in the form of something holy but does something so horrific.

Copyright Lia Scott Price

Friday, August 30, 2013

Guardian Angels Trade in Halos for Fangs

My Vampire comic book series is delightfully macabre and non-mainstream (No sappy romance or wimpy vampires here). It's a non-conformist, subversive "What-If", alternate view of your pop-culture icon, a Guardian Angel. As in "what if" they became homicidal, unhinged, sociopathic, Vampires? And you happened to pray to one? (Don't look for halos. They've traded those in for fangs, slicing and dicing.) Enjoy the brutality.

Lia Scott Price's 
Vampire Guardian Angels™

Copyright Lia Scott Price
All images are copyright
of Lia Scott Price

Saturday, July 27, 2013

A Very Disturbing Guardian Angel

My comic series features a vampire that’s new, different, brutal, and refreshingly original.

And they are born of a disturbing concept: That your Guardian Angel, when you pray to it, turns out to have become  a unique new breed of Vampire. Deadly, bloody and brutal.

Guardian Angels as Killer Vampires? You bet!

They are the deadliest Guardian Angels you will ever encounter.

Embrace the gore.

Vampire Guardian Angels are the unique creation of Horror/Vampire Author Lia Scott Price. They are the brutal, bloody and disturbing characters in her comic book series. Written by Lia Scott Price. Art by Andrew Setter and Chad Hammontree.

Read the Comic Book Series!

Why Your Guardian Angel Became a Vampire

A Prayer. An Angel. A Vampire. What do these three have in common? Something very disturbing and nightmarish.

Why turn Guardian Angels into Vampires? Why not? Guardian Angels could really be evil. And they really, really hate us. Because we whine to them constantly. They're sick of answering our prayers. So they are also serial killers who hunt you down by listening to who prays in despair to them.

We are addicted to the idea of having supernatural saviors.... and it sucks when our "loving, protective" Guardian Angels turn on us humans.

Supernatural "saviors" turn out to be vicious vampires.

How did Guardian Angels become Vampires? Read the Comic Book Series!

Vampire Guardian Angels are the unique creation of Horror/Vampire Author Lia Scott Price. They are the brutal, bloody and disturbing characters in her comic book series. Written by Lia Scott Price. Art by Andrew Setter and Chad Hammontree.

2 Big Reasons NOT to pray to a Guardian Angel

Did you whine to your Guardian Angel lately? Pray to them for help? Guess who answers.

When was the last time you prayed for help to your Guardian Angel? You may not want to.

Two Big Reasons NOT to pray to a Guardian Angel:
1) They're sick and tired of answering prayers. They don't want to be your therapist or problem-solver anymore.
2) They are Vampires now. They'd rather eat you than help you.

Meet a new breed of Vampire: Guardian Angels. Pray to them, and you become prey. That's the premise behind my comic books.

Your prayer of despair is a homing device....for a hungry Vampire Guardian Angel.

Be careful who you pray to. Your Guardian Angel: now a bloodthirsty Vampire.

Vampire Guardian Angels are the unique creation of Horror/Vampire Author Lia Scott Price. They are the brutal, bloody and disturbing characters in her comic book series. Written by Lia Scott Price. Art by Andrew Setter and Chad Hammontree.

Read the Comic Book Series!